Friday, September 4, 2020
Ms - Mahathir Foreign Policy free essay sample
Aftereffect to the ingenuity, a goals has been taken in the 38th meeting of the United Nations where the General-Secretary of United Nations must make an intensive report on Antarctica issues which incorporated the dispersion of characteristic asset which accessible and the ‘Antarctica Treaty System’. Malaysia had the option to get a United Nations goals to include issue of dispersion of Antarctic normal assets in the up and coming United Nations plan in November 1984. Be that as it may, Malaysia neglected to get a goals for the foundation of the United Nations board of trustees to supplant the ‘Antarctica Treaty system’ as there were solid fights from the nations of ‘Antarctica Treat System’ which were United State of America and Russia. Malaysia accept that the mainland of Antarctica as significant in the details of its effect on ‘Ecology’ and the encompassing scene and the world’s atmosphere. For instance, 90% of the world’s new water which comprise as ice and snow were accessible in Antarctica. Additionally, it likewise contains an expected gracefully of groceries and crude materials, for example, iron minerals, coal, chromium, uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, platinum, oil and gas. Besides, there are likewise plants and creatures that solitary comprise in Antarctica and there are some which are uncommon in different spots. In view of these realities, Malaysia requests the mainland in Antarctica to become regular legacy for normal advantages for the entire world. In December 1959, issues which include the undertakings of Antarctica was overseen by the delegates of the nations which are the individuals from the ‘Antarctica Treaty System’. At that point, Malaysia has a view that the framework just advantages the minor gathering of individuals from the ‘Antarctica Treaty System’. The framework isn't reasonable as the participation structure as two levels (two-level) in light of the fact that the choice must be made by 16 nations which are the previous individuals from the arrangement, however there are another 12 nations which are likewise the individuals from the bargain. These 12 nations are just permitted to lead research without having the ability to cast a ballot or settling on choice. This is against to the targets of the previous understanding in the ‘Antarctica Treaty’ where Antarctica ought to be overseen by worldwide panel for the advantages of all humanity. Besides, 160 nations were in the United Nations at present which the greater part of them are made out of creating nations. Thusly, their privileges and their perspectives ought to be contemplated by the worldwide council of Antarctica. The benefit in the administration framework dependent on the Antarctica was not been fulfilled. The previous part nations held a few shut entryway meeting without the information on different individuals. These shut entryway meeting was held so as to set up a mineral system to mine mineral substances in their general vicinity. With the coming of Sea-Bed Convention on the Law of the Sea and the recommendation of development of International Sea-Bed Authority, the mineral system which proposed by individuals from the Antarctic Treaty is incredibly against to most different nations. Mineral system is another endeavor by the previous individuals from the consent to upgrade their capacity in the assessment of Malaysia. By the by, the exercises of mining mineral substances can make huge annihilation the framework environment in Antarctica. The targets of this strategy are to share the minerals in Antarctica for the advantages of every single individual. Next, it is to save the nature and condition of the world. Also, Antarctica is use to energize the idea of ‘disarmament, ‘denuclearisation’ and ‘demilitarisation’ It is trusted that the recommendations just as Malaysias proposition to cause Antarctica as the basic legacy for the regular advantage of the whole world will to be take into the thought of the associations of the United Nations. THE CONCEPT OF ZONE OF PEACE, FREEDOM AND NEUTRALITY (ZOPFAN) IN SOUTHEAST ASIA As the square that can be viewed as non-socialist Southeast Asia, ASEAN actually stick to nonpartisanship. Malaysia’s proposition for the production of zone of harmony, opportunity and impartiality or ZOPFAN was acknowledged as the ASEAN position. The idea and this strategy was reported in Kuala Lumpur by our fourth PM who was Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on the 27th November 1971. There are some significant variables and occasions that happened in Southeast Asia which push ascend to the idea of the Zone of peace,Freedom and Neutrality. These components and occasions are the situation of Southeast Asia is very vital to the extraordinary forces with regards to East-West political pressures; political change in Vietnam just as the consequences of withdrawal of British soldiers from Southeast Asia and the United States from Vietnam in the mid 70s. These advancements had made nervousness among the ASEAN nations, as it might influence territorial security. Next, the wars in Korea and Vietnam ASEAN persuaded that mediation and bolster military superpowers struggle littler nations of Southeast Asia are frequently undermined the strength of this locale. Moreover, at the time there was a feeling of ‘regionalisma’ which made ASEAN provincial financial participation that can be utilized as an impetus to accomplish ZOPFAN. The target of Zone of harmony, Freedom and Neutrality is to make Southeast Asia an area of harmony, opportunity and lack of bias of political quarreling significant powers especially the United States, Russia and Peoples Republic of China. Among the key methodologies that have been planned and executed to accomplish these goals are by getting the extraordinary forces endorsement, acknowledgment and assurance about the target and endeavors to understand the idea. Next, it is to lengthen outside military soldiers from Southeast Asia over the long haul. In addition, it makes Southeast Asia as an area liberated from atomic weapon. All in all, the readiness of incredible forces to perceive and ensure Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality is basic for the making of ZOPFAN. Furthermore, support from all individuals from the ASEAN nations is likewise required. Notwithstanding, ASEAN’s assurance to keep on pursueing the idea ZOPFAN is reflected by the ASEAN’s endeavors to finda political arrangement in Cambodia dependent on the goals of the United countries Organization and the affirmation of Internatonal Conference on Kampuchea 1981.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Disco Music
Matt Crane 8-19-06 Music Back in the late 1960s, disco started as a mix of numerous instruments played together. It was in 1969 when Jerry Butler discharged his most recent melody ‘Only the Strong Survive’ that we got our absolute first disco tune. This was the introduction of disco however then it was a type of music which hadn’t been named. Four years and numerous melodies later on the thirteenth of September 1973, Vince Aletti composed an article in the Rolling Stone Magazine which gave this music structure its name â€Å"DISCO†.This heartfelt music depends on various instruments mixed together to get what is known as the disco sound. The vocals are played on a consistent four on the floor beat or what is known as a shake (eighth note) or a semi-tremble (sixteenth note). Numerous electronic melodic contraptions are utilized to make the foundation score. This type of music has a greater amount of electric bass line and the guitar is only from time to time utilized as a lead instrument. Movies like Saturday Night Fever and Thank God Its Friday made disco theque more well known than any other time in recent memory before.It was the Bee Gees who came to speak to genuine Disco theque. The gathering till then was well known for their melodies and pop tunes testing the matchless quality of The Beatles. Their prosperity numbers were discharged again on the Saturday Night Fever film soundtrack. Disco was brought into the world a lot prior in the late 60’s when Jerry Butleras frequenting tune was the main instance of a blend of music with move. This specific melody achieved the marriage among Philly and New York soul both being developments of Motown Sound. The Philly stable is luxurious percussion. 972 Soul Makasso is supposed to be one of the principal disco melodies. Disco spread to Europe through the jivings of Abba from the mid 70’s. Boney-M was another gathering of four West Indian vocalists and artists who guided by West German record maker Frank Farian, before long turned into an extraordinary hit in Canada and Japan. The last 50% of the 70’s saw clubs resounding with Disco music. The way of life focused on discotheques, dance club, and private gatherings where DJ’s played disco hits through force sound frameworks. Long single records kept individuals moving all through the night.Even the absolute most lofty clubs coordinated their lighting courses of action to wash to the beat of Disco theque. Moving schools jumped up in certain urban communities and applicants were encouraged how to contact move hustle and cha-cha. Disco forms at that point hit the market with Halston dresses for ladies, sparkly Qiana shirts for men pointed collars and open at the chest worn with twofold weave coat suits. Disco culture before long turned into a sanctuary for those on the edges of society they figured out how to communicate. Disco figured out how to satisfy one of the destinations of the Civil Right s movement.It united the races just because where Blacks & Whites â€Å"co-mingled†openly. In spite of the fact that â€Å"disco's†did in actuality lead to the destruction of the â€Å"inner city Funk House†and keeping in mind that a couple of them rehearsed â€Å"racist entryway policies†. Generally you could get in, move and associate across racial boundaries. Disco was in reality one of the principal types of â€Å"voluntary integration†that American’s have seen. The music was the equivalent & each one mentality was the equivalent. Various instruments and disco sounds advanced into the hearts of individuals in a major way.Discos turned into a spot where there would be uproarious disco music, a move floor with disco lights and obviously you disco darlings wearing the most recent disco outfits having a ton of fun of a real existence time. Discos have their very own culture. The music is sufficiently noisy to make you and your heart beat somewhat quicker. The lights continue changing hues and furthermore help in transforming you temperaments and shedding any hindrance you have. The garments also are tight fitting to flaunt your a greater amount of the body. Shirts with marginally long and pointy collars, the Qiana shirts for the gentlemen and the Halston dresses for ladies were in fashion.Discos gotten numerous different societies as well. One of the principle addictions that disco acquired was drugs. Cocaine and Quaalude turned into the principle drugs for all disco darlings. While cocaine gave them an optimistic mood, it helped numerous to appreciate the noisy music better. Quaalude caused them to feel light like jam and helped them to move to the depression. The move sweethearts delighted in the discotheques, as there was music, move, liquor and fun. Discos turned out to be extremely well known and some of them became as famous as traveler destinations as well. Manhattans Studio 54 is one such pl ace.You couldn’t miss this home base, as you would see numerous superstars and individuals who are both rich and well known there. During the 1970s and 80s disco and move met up and were the furor of the time. Gatherings like The Jackson Five, ABBA and The BEE GEES are still groups which are well known for their incredible disco music. Disco, which was performed uniquely by a couple of groups in the first place spread like a woodland fire. Before long disco became standard and a wide range of groups were performing disco numbers. Disco was the in thing and a ton of motion pictures were made on the disco topic too.Saturday night fever featuring John Travolta and Thank God It’s Friday were two successes with disco as its standard thought. ABBA was a gathering, which took Disco past the fringes of America and directly into Europe and Asia. The tunes were such enormous diagram busters that everywhere throughout the world they made numerous new records. Boney M a gathering of four West Indian artists were another gathering, which broke the obstructions of rank, shading and statement of faith to give unadulterated and exceptional disco music. Dalida discharged their hit number â€Å"J’attendrai†which beat the diagrams in Japan, center and south Asia and Canada These gatherings made disco extremely famous in the 70’s.The developing rage for disco enraged the fanatics of awesome music. While some just tossed out all disco records, a couple of made extreme strides. DJs of exciting music held occasions like the Disco Demolition night. Numerous gatherings met up to arrange hostile to disco shows. Gradually however consistently during the 1980s disco started to subside. Despite the fact that disco sort of got outdated however it was still especially a piece of the night life in Europe. With fresher types of music and even more current gatherings rising Disco was given a rearward sitting arrangement. In 1990s and 2000 by and by disco sta rted picking up ubiquity again.With significant vocalists like Madonna, Kate Ryan and Suzanne Palmer performing Disco. Disco sound is for the most part dependent on strings and horns joined by resounding vocals blending in with electric pianos and chicken-scratch guitars. Emotional minor and significant seventh harmonies overwhelm disco music. Different instruments in utilized are low pitch guitar, piano, string synth with electrocoustic consoles. There are drum units and electronic drums along with harp, violin, viola, trumpet, saxophone, trombone, clarinet, flugelhorn, French horn, tuba, English horn, oboe, woodwind and piccolo.The melodies for the most part have a consistent four-on-the floor beat. It has fondness with Dominican meringue, rumba, samba and cha-cha-cha rhythms. A synthesizer is now and again used to supplant the low pitch guitar. Disco fan out into territorial styles during the mid70’s by numerous conventional artists. Keeping a similar expansive characteris tics of disco the new sorts came to get an individual stamp of the vocalist and the ensemble. Striking among them were The Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra and New York Philharmonic. Disco in this way came to be organized and created by experienced arrangers and orchestrators. It required huge number of instruments and an eam, which incorporated the conductor, copyists, record makers and blending engineer. Disco tunes utilized upwards of 64 tracks of vocals and instrumentals. Blending engineers in this way had a significant job. They made a particular sounding known as disco-blend. DJ’s were significant for advancing disco and thus its deals. I would state that disco music communicates by its quick beats that you move to. Its music persuades individuals to be tied in with celebrating, loosing yourself to the melodies, and feeling better. It lets individuals â€Å"groove†or â€Å"Boogie down†, simply move the night away.It’s the craft of masterminding soun ds in time in order to create a nonstop, brought together, and suggestive organization, as through song, congruity, beat, and tone. To me disco music implies, music that comprises of a few distinct instruments that make a wide range of rhythms and songs. It’s a sort of music that has a quick beat and just makes you need to move. With disco music all you need to do is get down on a move floor with many individuals and simply feeling better. Disco music is a decent style of music that places various sounds in one through the tune and beat of the melody.
Friday, August 21, 2020
English - Eating disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
English - Eating issue - Essay Example Essentially, both Pollan’s book The Omnivore’s quandary: a characteristic history of four dinners showed that the wellspring of our food is turning into a processing plant and is not, at this point developed the manner in which it used to be. Most exceedingly terrible, modern ranch production line and the utilization of GMOs are even bundled to be a superior food source than natural cultivating. This sort of food creation or factorization of food as opposed to developing food has changed the eating example of America that it could now be understood as dietary problem. This is confirm by the developing number of corpulence that has just accepted the extent of a plague whose principle caused is our inclination for lousy nourishments. Rather than eating the customary solid nourishments, for example, organic products, vegetables and grains, we are presently progressively inclined to eating quick food sources which are covered with oil, trans fat and glucose. Peculiarly, we have developed repugnance towards sound nourishments, for example, vegetables and expanded our cravings towards cheeseburgers and pizzas. Therefore, Cardiovascular maladies and diabetes are on the ascent and the individuals that are having diabetes are getting more youthful and more youthful and this can be followed back to our dietary problem hastened by factorization or the change how our nourishments are created rather than
The Levels of Measurement in Statistics
The Levels of Measurement in Statistics Not all information is made similarly. It is useful to arrange informational indexes by various rules. Some is quantitative, and some are subjective. A few informational collections are consistent and some are discrete. Another approach to isolate information is to group it into four degrees of estimation: ostensible, ordinal, interim and proportion. Various degrees of estimation call for various factual strategies. We will take a gander at every one of these degrees of measurement.​ Ostensible Level of Measurement The ostensible degree of estimation is the least of the four different ways to portray information. Ostensible methods in name just and that should assist with recalling what this level is about. Ostensible information manages names, classes, or names. Information at the ostensible level is subjective. Shades of eyes, yes or no reactions to a study, and most loved breakfast oat all arrangement with the ostensible degree of estimation. Indeed, even a few things with numbers related with them, for example, a number on the rear of a football pullover, are ostensible since it is utilized to name an individual player on the field. Information at this level cannot be requested in a significant manner, and it looks bad to compute things, for example, means and standard deviations. Ordinal Level of Measurement The following level is known as the ordinal degree of estimation. Information at this level can be requested, however no contrasts between the information can be taken that are important. Here you should consider things like a rundown of the best ten urban communities to live. The information, here ten urban areas, are positioned from one to ten, however contrasts between the urban areas dont bode well. Theres no chance to get from taking a gander at simply the rankings to realize how much better life is in city number 1 than city number 2. Another case of this are letter grades. You can arrange things so An is higher than a B, however with no other data, its absolutely impossible of knowing how much better An is from a B. Similarly as with the ostensible level, information at the ordinal level ought not be utilized in estimations. Interim Level of Measurement The interim degree of estimation manages information that can be requested, and in which contrasts between the information makes sense. Information at this level doesn't have a beginning stage. The Fahrenheit and Celsius sizes of temperatures are the two instances of information at the interim degree of estimation. You can discuss 30 degrees being 60 degrees under 90 degrees, so contrasts do bode well. In any case, 0 degrees (in the two scales) cold as it might be doesn't speak to the complete nonappearance of temperature. Information at the interim level can be utilized in estimations. Be that as it may, information at this level lacks one sort of correlation. Despite the fact that 3 x 30 90, it isn't right to state that 90 degrees Celsius is multiple times as hot as 30 degrees Celsius. Proportion Level of Measurement The fourth and most elevated level of estimation is the proportion level. Information at the proportion level have the entirety of the highlights of the interim level, notwithstanding a zero worth. Because of the nearness of a zero, it currently bodes well to analyze the proportions of estimations. Expressions, for example, multiple times and twice are important at the proportion level. Separations, in any arrangement of estimation, give us information at the proportion level. An estimation, for example, 0 feet makes sense, as it speaks to no length. Besides, 2 feet is twice the length 1 foot. So proportions can be framed between the information. At the proportion level of estimation, not exclusively can totals and contrasts be determined, yet in addition proportions. One estimation can be separated by any nonzero estimation, and an important number will result. Think Before You Calculate Given a rundown of Social Security numbers, its conceivable to do a wide range of counts with them, however none of these figurings give anything important. Whats one Social Security number isolated by another? A total misuse of your time, since Social Security numbers are at the ostensible degree of estimation. At the point when you are given a few information, think before you ascertain. The degree of estimation youre working with will figure out what it bodes well to do.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Great Ideas For Free Informative Essay Topics
Great Ideas For Free Informative Essay TopicsAs an essay writer, you can create many free informative essay topics that you can use for your school projects. The topics can be used as a way to explore a new topic or to expand upon the common ones. Essay topics can also be used as ways to develop vocabulary, expand upon important topics or to support current content areas.Essays that are based around popular topics can help students take in many of the skills that they need to succeed in college or even later in life. For example, if you need to get a class assignment about the pros and cons of the class selection process, you can create a free informative essay topic around the topic of why students shouldn't select a school based on looks alone.Another set of free informational essay topics can include the school's relationship with religion, the history of the country, the relationship between the school and the surrounding community, etc. Of course, it is not necessary to write th ese essays as long essays. But the ideas that you include can become concepts that are easily transferred to other subjects.If you are considering getting involved in writing your own essays, but don't know where to start, you can always take advantage of free informative essay topics. This can help you hone in on what is important to you. Or if you need to write an essay and you don't have much time, you can rely on free informative essay topics to help you get started. Some of the topics that you can choose from include:Free Informative Essay Topics for Content Area: In this article, we will focus on content area based essays. These are essays that focus on particular topics. You can find free informative essay topics in a variety of subjects, including:Of course, if you want to improve your writing, you can always rely on these free informative essay topics to help you with that as well. Whatever subject that you choose, the best advice is to focus on the topic and use the topics to help develop vocabulary and expand upon important concepts.One of the great things about free informative essay topics is that there are many types of them. If you are a writer, you might find that you enjoy writing one essay topic per week. So when it comes time to write an essay, you will likely have many different choices to choose from.If you are a student, you might enjoy reading about free informative essay topics, too. Reading about how students were able to use a few topics to help them through a school assignment can be very enlightening.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Review The Movie Ghost In The Shell To Identify Strengths - 550 Words
Review The Movie Ghost In The Shell To Identify Its Strengths (Movie Review Sample) Content: Name:Course:Tutor:Date:Introduction Communication is an important tool in human life since it entails sharing of information that can be used to make useful decisions. Different media are used to convey a given message to the audience depending on the approach chosen by the one passing the information. Films are part of the plat forms that individuals use to communicate to the public since many people like watching hence making it an appropriate tool. The effective of the message depends on how the movie is directed and the content incorporated in the movie. This paper focuses on analyzing Ghost in the Shell with the aim of establishing its strengths and weaknesses that can be observed when one is watching the movie. The information gathered can be used universally when evaluating any given film since the approach is the same across the entire sector.Summary The Ghost in the Shell movie was designed by Masamune Shirrow with the intentions of creating an idea of how gh osts work in human life through the use of technology ("Ghost in the Shell - Movie Review"). The film was translated into different versions where language was a factor to be considered due to the diversity associated with viewers. For the sake of increasing attractiveness, the movie was translated into animation. This changed the perception since individuals were attracted and could get the message of the film through the continuous watching of the film. Having such movies in the society is helpful especially to young children who are fascinated by the motions made by the characters in the movie. Strengths of the movie When observing a given movie, it is important to derive some areas that portray strength that can make the movie enjoyable to the viewer. The practice makes it a credible source of information because the direct is in a position to achieve the intended purpose of delivering information to the audience. Understanding the kind of the targeted audience is a practical ap proach towards realizing the set objectives. The use of animations in the film is a strength that the movie-maker can employ to attract the audience since information is shared as the audience is glued on the actors ("'Ghost in the Shell' Movie Review: All ScarJo, No Soul"). Without incorporating such elements one might be irrelevant because different people have different ways of appreciating ideas. It calls for critical analysis when thinking of coming up with a film since various components are involved and they must be factored for the message to be delivered as per the expectations.Weaknesses As much as the film has numerous strengths, there significant weaknesses that might needs to be addressed. The approach to employ technology has some negative outcomes where the film is at risk of being manipulated by criminals. The practice is a threat to the movie industry since people can use an individuals idea to portray a different intention hence making the whole process a challenge . It is critical for the film directors to be keen when developing their concepts to avoid cases where other people hijack their information. This can be evidenced by the fact that the film was translated by different individual to make it more attractive. Patenting issues must be addressed to ensure the original author enjoys some rights before making it a public do...
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Coordinated Market Economy - 17621 Words
MPIfG Discussion Paper 04/5 Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional Complementarities in the Macroeconomy An Empirical Analysis Peter A. Hall and Daniel W. Gingerich Peter A. Hall is Krupp Foundation Professor of European Studies and the Director of the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University. Daniel W. Gingerich is a Graduate Associate of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and a Ph. D. candidate in the Department of Government at Harvard University. Peter A. Hall Daniel W. Gingerich Peter A. Hall and Daniel W. Gingerich Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional Complementarities in the Macroeconomy: An Empirical Analysis MPIfG†¦show more content†¦This question has been central to comparative political economy for many years. However, most answers to it focus on institutions in a single sphere of the political economy. In economics, there are large but separate literatures on labor and financial markets. One explores the impact of labor regulations, social regimes, and trade unions on growth or unemployment (Nickell 1997; OECD 1994; Calmfors/ Driffil 1988). The other considers the effects of accounting standards, the legal standing of owners or creditors, ownership patterns, and equity or bank-based finance on levels of investment or growth (Carlin/Mayer 1999a, 1999b; LaPorta et al. 1998a; Huang/Xu 1999; Mayer 1996). A similar separation is evident in political science. Although neocorporatism can be defined in broad terms (cf. Katzenstein 1985; Schmitter/Lehmbruch 1978), analyses of its economic impact usually focus on the organization of the trade union movement, considering its interactio n mainly with the partisanship of governance (Cameron 1984; Alvarez et al. 1991; Garrett 1999).1 An entirely different literature examines the structure of financial systems (Verdier 2000; Cox 1986; Zysman 1984).2 However, there are good reasons to expect interaction effects among institutions across spheres of the political economy. In recent years, significant interaction effects have been found between monetary institutions and those governingShow MoreRelated Varieties of Capitalism Essay2378 Words  | 10 Pagesdistinguished and identified two types of coordination - Liberal Market Economies (LMEs) and Coordinated Market Economies (CMEs), in which competitive markets are dominant in LMES while CMEs are mainly based on strategic interaction. 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Therefore, regardless of many benefits that uniform standards could bring, there are numerous evidences found that could support Ball’s judgement. The perception that uniform financial reporting could not be accomplished by depending solely on uniform standards is supported due to varieties of capitalism. â€Å"The form of financial reporting should be tailored to the type of economic system†(Walker, 2010). For instance, the main focus of Coordinated Market Economies (CMEs) appliedRead MoreIntroduction A system is a network of parts which interlock to form an overall pattern. An economic1500 Words  | 6 Pagesdetermines how the output is distributed. Because the economy is governed and coordinated by central authority, command system are also called centrally planned systems. Central planning is a tremendous task; decisions have to be taken on how, where and for what purpose every natural resource, every labourer and every capital good are to be applied. 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American economicsRead MoreComparative Critique Of Comparative Capitalism1214 Words  | 5 Pagesby prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. (2015). However for an ideal capitalism to fully operate it requires a set of conditions or institutions such as legitimacy of government and the rule of law, a well-defined property right, firms acting as price takers, not barriers to entry and exit, free capital and labor markets and free trade. (Henderson and Ramanna, 2001). However, it happens that these conditions are not usuallyRead MoreThe Varieties Of Capitalism : The Institutional Foundations Of Comparative Advantage1633 Words  | 7 Pagescoordination problems that they encounter, differs across political economies. They identify five broad realms in which firms must build relationships in order to solve the coordination issues which are vital to their core competencies. These five spheres include industrial relations, corporate governance, inter-firm relations, vocational training and education, and employees. Liberal Market Economies (LMEs) and Coordinated Market Economies (CMEs) can be viewed as the two prototypes representing the twoRead MoreCase Study : Management And Communication Essay1263 Words  | 6 Pagesand communication to subsidiaries.(Scullion H and Starkey 2000) Factors to be considered while framing policies MNCs set up subsidiaries or joint ventures in different countries. MNCs should mainly consider the legal practices, minimum wages, Labour market regulations, the culture, industrial relations systems, the character of country’s welfare system and the cross- country differences for framing the policies. MNCs may choose to adapt the environment in the host country or develop policies based on
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Improving The Assembly Line System Of Work - 1518 Words
In the early stages of manufacturing quality and cost went hand-in-hand, if one went down so did the other but now quality is maintained at an excellent standard and cost is going down; engineers are racing to the bottom in price. This is achieved by the engineers that have created a system of work that is the assembly line, allowing for more affordability and profitable, and leading to innovation. By implementing the assembly line system of work, it requires simple tasks to be accomplished by multiple people at a constant pace, which results in cost efficient production. This system allows more product to be produced in a smaller period of time to meet the demand of the people, as the price is cheaper. However, profit is not changed†¦show more content†¦At first companies knew that the products they were producing were expensive, which would be limited to only the handful of rich people. Engineers began by hiring more less educated people at lower wages, instead of having less high educated people at high wages doing simple tasks. However, this is not the only way, by moving the product through the company instead of the person via a conveyer would increase efficiency. Also companies eventually realized that foreigners would do these jobs at less wage because either the person did not know or the person was trying to create a better future. Once countries began implementing currency exchange, manufacturing could be moved to anywhere in the world and cost to produce would decrease and the number of people looking to purchase the product would increase. Ford began manufacturing almost all over the world and manufacturing in foreign countries is cheaper than North America plus it creates a larger purchasing group. The assembly line essentially moved the product along a conveyer belt at a consistent pace. The workers have to make their modifications to the product and place it back for the next person to make their modification, so on and so forth. The s peed of the conveyer belt could be increased and decreased, so workers would work at optimal pace, as they would have to repeat their modification for 12 hours a day. Once workers at the Ford factories grew impatient with repeating the same task, they
The Victims Of Domestic Violence - 2731 Words
Every couple months there is a story on the news about a woman being physically assaulted or murdered by her professional athlete spouse/boyfriend. The reality of the situation is that these events happen each day in families across the globe, but due to their lack of social standing, their stories are not front page news on the Sunday paper. However, although this is a substantial problem for the abused men and woman of our society, the forgotten victims of domestic violence are the children who witness these horrific acts. The likelihood of children witnessing a domestic violence incident and being traumatized following that event is tremendous. Exposure to trauma is a reality for many children, though the extent and type of trauma varies. Edleson (1999) describes adult-to-adult domestic violence as a wide range of events, such as the child directly viewing the violence, hearing it, being used as a tool of the perpetrator, and experiencing the aftermath of violence. For example, a perpetrator hitting or threatening a child while in his or her mother’s arms, taking the child hostage to force the mother’s return to the home, using a child as a physical weapon against the victim, forcing the child to watch assaults against the mother or to participate in the abuse, and using the child as a spy or interrogating him or her about the mother’s activities (pg. 4). As a result of the high prevalence of domestic violence and the increased likelihood that children will be exposed toShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence As A Victim Of Domestic Abuse1686 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Although we lost Ellen Pence, a woman who changed how domestic violence is addressed, in 2012, there are many lives that are being saved to this day because of her work. Ellen Pence found her calling in 1977 when she began working for the Minneapolis Housing Authority that helped individuals relocate with housing complications (StarTribune, 2010). It was then that she immersed herself through domestic violence cases and set the standard for addressing these cases. Ellen Pence isRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On The Victim755 Words  | 4 Pageshealth organization) Out of each emergency room visit for injuries, 25-30% was there for domestic-violence related problems. (Hansen,2014) Domestic violence is a serious issue that has been a top priority for mental health professionals for some time now. Exposure to domestic violence can have long-term mental health effects on the victim. Various types of groups are being used in treating survivors of domestic violence that include support groups, time-limited groups, and long-term groups. This groupRead MoreBeing A Victim Of Domestic Violence1596 Words  | 7 Pagesweight, you name it has the possibility of being a victim of domestic violence. However, there are certain risk factors that increases the likelihood of becoming a victim. In bad neighborhoods, they may feel socially ostracized if there is tension in the area and a lack of community. This can also be a consequence of victimization because the offender may separate himself and the victim from all contact from family, friends, etc. When the victim needs love and support, they will not know where toRead MoreChild Victims of Domestic Violence1341 Words  | 6 PagesÕssay Child victims of domestic violence Family today are unfortunately less as a fundamental unit of a healthy society. Almost all countries in the world are faced with the inability to determine the number of victims of kriminalitetot, and especially when such women. According to UN studies, women are the most frequent victims of sexual violence (50%) attacks of personality (10%) and other attacks on property (10%). For nasilonichkiot kriminalitet family largely lacksRead MoreDomestic Violence Victims And The Ways2356 Words  | 10 PagesAmong some institutions, there is a tendency to view domestic violence victims as living a â€Å"risky life†(Johnson 2014). People who are domestic violence victims experience discrimination, extreme hardships, and poverty; however, victims still attempt to seek help and separation from domestic abuse by using law enforcement and programs offered to shelter domestic violence victims from harm (Currul-Dykeman 2014). Research suggests domestic violence is the primary cause of ho melessness because of theRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Victims And Varies1700 Words  | 7 PagesDefinition, strengths and limitations, and occurrence Domestic violence as a form of trauma can have an impact on victims and varies in the form in which it occurs. Domestic violence can occur directly to an individual or family or indirectly as exposure to domestic violence. The Department of Justice defines domestic violence as â€Å"a pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner†. According to CrossRead MoreWhat Causes Victims Of Domestic Violence1257 Words  | 6 PagesWhat causes victims of domestic violence to stay? Every year in the United States, One in four women are victims of the domestic violence; however, this is only based on what has been reported to the department of justice (Stahly 2008). While men are also victims of domestic violence, women are more often the victims. Moreover, 90% of domestic violence is male initiated. In severe cases domestic violence ends with victims being murdered. More specifically, domestic violence resulted in 2,340 deathsRead MoreThe Response Of Male Victims Of Domestic Violence2311 Words  | 10 PagesThe Response of Male Victims of Domestic Violence Kevin Chen 500565266 CRM 202 Section 011 For the Annotated Bibliography assignment, the topic that will be the centre of focus is the Response of Male Victims of Domestic Violence. While there have been many research papers written on female victims of domestic violence, this assignment will be focusing on the reverse of how male victims respond to domestic violence and the various aspects, whether they are social, personal, or cultural, to thoseRead MoreThe Essential Guide For Victims Of Domestic Violence5422 Words  | 22 PagesGuide for Victims of Domestic Violence Why Did We Write This Guide? In the United States, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by a domestic partner. One-third of all women and one-quarter of all men have been the victims of physical violence at the hands of a partner. These statistics do not take into account other forms of abuse, such as mental and emotional abuse that both men and women suffer on a daily basis from those who profess to love them. In addition, domestic violence is oneRead MoreHelping Victims From Domestic Violence1306 Words  | 6 Pagesorganization that are trying to help victims from domestic violence. For example, â€Å"Women’s Law Organization†is one of the organization that was created by Elizabeth Martin a native of North Carolina, who found her way into domestic violence advocacy when she worked at a shelter in Washington State after completing her undergraduate degree. She had help from her team to put this organization on point. Her interest for this organization was to help survivor of domes tic violence to overcome the tragedy they
Managing and Developing Innovation Customer Relationship System Softw
Question: Discuss about theManaging and Developing Innovationfor Customer Relationship System Software. Answer: Introduction The major aim of this study is to identify the features and specifications of the Nutshell Customer Relationship System Software. Therefore, the concept behind the implementation of this software as well as its value proposition is also analyzed in this study. In addition, the process of sustaining the competitive advantage of Nutshell and its competitive advantage as well is portrayed in this study. The risks associated with the current plan are focused in this study and the resolution techniques are also stated. Furthermore, the improvised softwares skills as well as the team needed for meeting the skills are also discussed in this study. Concept Description The Customer RelationshipManagement can easily cover a huge number of applications and software as well in termsof helping thebusinessfor maintaining the customer support data,accessing business information, customer dataand customerinteraction, sales automation, managing the vendor, employee and the partner relations. The CRM software is mostly used to manage the customer relationship in business (Siu, 2016, p.12). This particular CRM software is the provider of mobile and the web CRM software. Therefore, the concept of developing the Nutshell Customer Relationship Management software is to be useful for the business to meet all CRM objectives. It is mainly composed of the web and the mobile applications for the iOS and Android platforms. In todays date, CRM software is very highly scalable and customized by permitting the business to view the business scopes with the predictive analysis in terms of gaining the actionable insights of the customer with the back-end analytical engine, the prior communication with the business, streamlining the operations depending on the known customer history as well as personalizing the customer service. The reason of the failure of most of the CRM software is that it doesnt deliver the enough value to motivate the sales teams to utilize them. However, Nutshell is the different CRM software. It is much more dedicated in order to help the small and medium businesses for becoming more successful. According to the value proposition context of Nutshell, this CRM software is dedicated for helping the sales team of a company to win more contracts by address the consequences from those numerous Customer Relationship Management software usually suffer (Wang Feng, 2012, p.20). Nutshell is also dedicated to provide both of the user-friendliness and affordability. Concept Analysis Competitive Advantage The most important competitive advantage of the Nutshell CRM software lies in the advantages of the affordability and the user-friendliness features possessed by this CRM software. Many small and medium enterprises have the preference to utilize the Nutshell CRM software as its cost effectiveness as well as it is easy to utilize (Brennan et al., 2014, p.21). It can also help the small and medium organizations to better manage their sales processes to win more deals very quickly. Process to Sustain Competitive advantage The Nutshell Customer Relationship Management software should be improvised by adding some specifications or features with its application in the domain of managing customer relationship. Thus, large organizations would intend also for installing Nutshell in their operations (Nguyen Mutum, 2012, p.401). It would become also a very significant point through which the competitive advantage of the Nutshell Customer Relationship Management software can be sustained as it would increase the large organizations participation in using this particular software. Assumptions in Formulating the Idea Some following assumptions are there those could be taken into consideration during the formulation of this particular concept of sustaining the competitive advantage for the Nutshell customer Relationship Management software. Implementing more improvements over the qualities of product Enhancing the attractiveness to the large organizations as well Giving the exclusive scope of access to the resources. Weakness and the Risk and Way of Solving the Risks The important weakness associated with the Nutshell software is that this software has not become attractive for the large enterprises (Kumar Reinartz, 2012, p.4). Therefore, it can be the obstacle on the way to achieve the competitive advantage for the Nutshell CRM software becoming popular in this industry. This risk can be addressed by improving the software by adding few extra feature to Nutshell so that it can seek attention from the large enterprises as well. Skills and Team Required The developer of the Nutshell CRM software should have some important and essential skills on Customer Relationship Management interms of makingmore improvisations and for adding more features to this particular software. The proper training on the developing process of this CRM software is significant to the management and the design of the CRM system. The successful CRM software development requires the software plus skills. Thus, the developer of this software should have the skill to implement the efficient and the user friendly CRM software with the help of which the companies can easily meet the objectives of the Customer Relationship Management (Nutshell, 2016). The proper and effective data migration is also very important skill that is necessary to be included in the improvised and new Nutshell CRM software. Apart from that, this particular software should be able to test properly before obtaining data migration. A dedicated IT team should be formed in terms of implement the skills of the improved version of this software. Apart from that, the IT team members be properly trained so that they can participate easily in order to develop this software. The project manager should meet all his responsibilities as well as roles in terms of guiding the whole team which is working for implementing this CRM software. Conclusion It can be stated easily after discussing the entire study that the Nutshell software has a good popularity among the medium as well as small organizations because it is user friendly as well as affordable software. Nevertheless, it is also essential for the Nutshell software for adopting some exclusive features that would be very useful as well as helpful for the large enterprises for maintaining their huge customer relationship data. It would enhance simply their chances to achieve competitive advantage. References Brennan, J.J., Siebert, W.H., Cerrone, M.C. Williams, J.R., Buzztable, Inc., 2014.System for customer relationship management using wireless communication.U.S. Patent 8,897,810. Kumar, V. Reinartz, W., 2012.Customer relationship management: Concept, strategy, and tools. Springer Science Business Media. Nguyen, B. Mutum, D.S., 2012. A review of customer relationship management: successes, advances, pitfalls and futures.Business Process Management Journal,18(3), pp.400-419. Nutshell., 2016.Nutshell CRM Tour and Benefits. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Nov. 2016]. Siu, N.Y.M., 2016. Customer Relationship Management and Recent Developments. Wang, Y. Feng, H., 2012. Customer relationship management capabilities: Measurement, antecedents and consequences.Management Decision,50(1), pp.115-129.
Factors and Customers Satisfaction of Budget Hotel Customers in Penang
Question: Discuss the factors and customers satisfaction of budget hotel customers in penang, malaysia. Answer: Introduction The state of Penang is situated on the north-west coastline of Malaysia and is home to major civilizations of the region that has attracted tourists from across the globe for decades. The natural beauty and culture of the place have attracted tourists for centuries and is still one of the most favoured holiday destinations of the tourists. Apart from culture and natural beauty, mouth-watering food and architecture of the place has always astonished people. The place, its people and businesses have perfectly blended themselves into the modern culture keeping intact its heritage and traditions. Technological advancements have been used and implemented by the tourism industry in such a manner that has brought about a boom in the industry with more and more tourists visiting the place every year. The tourism industry of Penang has perfectly aligned itself with the objectives of the country to promote and establish Malaysia as the most favoured tourism destination of Asia (Jaafar Sukarno , 2011). The results are evident from the statistics provided by the government in their portal Tourism Malaysia. According to the overall statistics published by the government, Malaysia had 25.7 million arrivals in the year 2015 with a total receipt of 69.1 billion MYR from tourism (Samah et al., 2015). These significant figures have increased over the year and show a rising trend. Several factors have resulted in the increase of visitors to the country. Apart from the natural beauty of the place, certain places of Penang have historical importance. Recently, George Town was declared to be a heritage site by the UNESCO and visitors have stated to pour in. On this backdrop, it can be said that there is a close link between tourism and the hospitality industry. Tourism is cannot be complete without people having a place to stay while they visit a place. In essence, the growth and sustainability of the tourism industry is largely dependent on the kind of hotels that are available in the place of tourism. As the inflow of visitors increased, a need was felt to accommodate them in a much efficient manner. This resulted in an increase in the number of hotels in Penang. The increase was in both luxury hotels such as the Hard Rock Hotel, Tune Hotel, Cititeland many more as well as in budget hotels such as Rasa Motel Penang, Value Inn and others. With an increase in the nature of demand of the customers, a shift has occurred from luxury hotels to budget hotels. In the last few years, it has been seen that there is a rise in demand for mid-market budget hotels by the customers and as a result, competition has increased in this segment of the hotel industry of Penang. These budget hotels have proved themselves to be a key contributor to the hotel industry in Penang over the years (Mola Jusoh, 2011). By providing quality services and a wide customer base, these hotels have opened up new avenues for the hotel industry of the region. These hotels have been successful in creating customer loyalty by providing the required services to its customers in an effective manner. The nature and extent of the services rendered to the tourists by the hotel staffs influence the quantum of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is one of the most important objectives of an organisation. The manner in which customer relationship is built determines how much a customer is satisfied with the services rendered by the hotel. Research Background In light of globalisation of the world economy, the service industry is actively playing a pivotal role in the growth and development of the entire region. Tourism has become an important trade category that is fetching a substantial amount of revenue and is contributing towards the overall GDP of the country (Goh, 2015). The growth of the tourism industry is dependent on the state of the hotel industry. Penang is no exception. With the natural and historic beauty of the place, it has become one of the most favourable tourist attractions in south Asia. With this increase in the tourist inflow, a change has taken place in the hotel and hospitality industry. People are now favouring budget hotels over luxurious and expensive ones. With the quality of services rendered in these hotels being of superior quality, the industry is able to build a loyal customer base for itself. Much research has been carried on the status of the hotel industry and on customer satisfaction in Penang (Goh, 20 15). However, not much has been done with respect to this niche class of budget hotels that now play a pivotal role in the development and growth of the entire industry. Building of customer satisfaction is a key factor of success. Customer retention by building customer loyalty has always been an important objective of every business organisation. On this backdrop, the research intends to bring out the factors and the element of customer satisfaction with respect to budget hotels in the area of Penang. Significance of the Research SMBH also known as Small and Medium Budget Hotel operators play a vital role to aid the tourism industry success. As mentioned earlier, the nature and quality of services rendered has become an important area of focus for budget hotel owners. Thus, it is important that service lenders understand perceptions and customer expectations as well as the factors that influence their satisfaction and provide services accordingly (Abdu Bakori, Samdin Hassan, 2012). The reason for this research was to study the perception of customer about the marketing mix 7P's, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction of budget hotels. Even though customers are not expected to understand these technical terms to their fullest extent, their viewpoints are very important to formulate industry standards. In order to have a proper understanding of customer taste, preferences and demand, organisations are required to undertake extensive research work. While conducting the research, it is imperative to segment the targeted customer into different classes based on specific characteristics that are unique. A significant classification is in the form of national and international visitors (Mun, 2016). This classification will help the hotels to formulate strategies differently for each group and to maximise revenue. The primary significance of this study is to focus on the marketing activities of such budget hotels that ultimately lead to their success in gaining customer loyalty and satisfaction. It is the responsibility of the marketing manager to devise proper strategies to attract more and more customers for the hotel. As the importance of these budget hotels has increased significantly, the government shall take effective steps to reward these hotels by re-evaluating their criteria for awarding stars to these hotels depending upon the nature and quality of services rendered by them (Keshavarz Ali, 2015). Therefore, the significance of the study lies on finding out the elements that influence satisfaction of customers who avail services of budget hotels. Problem Statement The hospitality industry is similar to other industries and is characterized by a high level of competition among the industry participants. Each budget hotel has to counter a twofold competition with big and luxurious hotels and with other budget hotels. In order to achieve success, these budget hotels have to price their services in the most competitive manner so that customers are attracted. This is a significant factor as every customer looks for an affordable price in the first place (Poku, Zakari Soali, 2013). It is very transparent that the hotel market is highly competitive, just like any other organization that markets a product in a competitive market, competing for the income of consumer disposable, it should be aware of the quality problems. This is important, especially in the situation of the hotel in which there is reduced clear price competition, but centres more on problems of image, service, facilities and the provision quality. Hotels have therefore, enhanced the ir service quality in order to stay ambitious. Business activities between enterprises become more frequent with the constant development of the Malaysian economy. Moreover, the Malaysian tourist market too becomes more and more energetic. A new hotel - state budget catering to the demands of new customer, it has been supposed to have good potential development, which turns to be one of the high spots of investment. Because of the high competition between budget hotels and the reason to get sustainable competitive benefit a tough battle for customer resource is opened. The central point of this competition falls mainly on the "customers", the budget hotel that has satisfied customers and finally won the trust of customers, it has had the beneficial tool to win this smokeless war (Abdullah, 2015). As the situation becomes tough, hotel owners are trying to gain customer confidence and customer loyalty by providing effective services to them. This in turn increases customer satisfaction. Therefore, it has become essential that hotel owners focus their attention to effective marketing activities. Satisfaction towards goods and integrated service marketing mingle is expected to influence the customer's decision of a patient for enabling the same service in time to come. Also, customer satisfaction is called the business competition success which is the particular's perception of the performance of the relation service to expectations. In the hotel industry, customer bond is also highly essential. It is often shaped by practical experience of the customer during the stay in the hotel. References Abdu Bakori, K., Samdin, Z., Hassan, H. (2012). Hotels involvement in sustainable tourism practices in Klang Valley, Malaysia.International Journal of Economics and Management,6(1), 21-34. Ali, F., Amin, M. (2014). The influence of physical environment on emotions, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions in Chinese resort hotel industry.Journal for Global Business Advancement,7(3), 249-266. Alvesson, M. Sandberg, J. (2012).Constructing research questions. Amin, M., Yahya, Z., Ismayatim, W.F.A., Nasharuddin, S.Z. and Kassim, E., 2013. Service quality dimension and customer satisfaction: An empirical study in the Malaysian hotel industry.Services Marketing Quarterly,34(2), pp.115-125. Anderson, E. W., Sullivan, M. W. (2013). The antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction for firms.Marketing science,12(2), 125-143.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Prosecution & Treatment of Mothers Who Abuse D Essays - Psychiatry
Prosecution Treatment of Mothers Who Abuse Drugs During Pregnancy: Policy Implications for Their Children Lauren A. Gonder Athens State University , Perspectives on Child Maltreatment Child Advocacy, CA301 INTRODUCTION Substance abuse i s an epidemic in today's society. Per the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 21.5 million American's aged 12 and older battled a substance use disorder in 2014 CITATION NSD14 \l 1033 (NSDUH, 2014) . Physical, emotional, and neurological effects are only the beginning of the individuals suffering from substance abuse . But what happens when a pregnant mother is using drugs ? How can her baby be protected against something he/she has no control over? What can be done to help both the mothers and their children? In 2012, Vanderbilt University published a study that one out of twenty-five b abies were being born into the suffering state of withdrawal from the drugs their mothers took while pregnant CITATION Ech15 \l 1033 (Echegaray, 2015) . In Tennessee, a woman named Brittany Hudson was one of the first charged with assault for taking illegal drugs while pregnant. Her drug addiction started by hanging out with an older crowd in high school and drinking alcohol CITATION Wil16 \l 1033 (Wilhoit, 2016) . The acceptance she felt by these peers allowed herself to be compelled into using Oxycodone by snorting them. Two days later, she was using them intravenously. In 2012, she gave birth to her first child and the baby was born dependent on drugs CITATION Wil16 \l 1033 (Wilhoit, 2016) . Despite her not being ready for recovery, she attended a half-way house and Narcotics Anonymous. She started drinking heavily and soon was back on pills CITATION Wil16 \l 1033 (Wilhoit, 2016) . In 2014, she became pregnant again , but a new law was in place to prosecute women who abuse drugs while pregnant. Brittany was scared that she was going to jail and/or the state would take cus tody of her unborn child. She failed to get prenatal care a few weeks before she gave birth in a friend's car CITATION Wil16 \l 1033 (Wilhoit, 2016) . After the birth of Braylee, she was drug-dependent and spent several weeks in the NICU. Ultimately, the Department of Children's Services removed Braylee from her mother's care and Brittany was pushed further into drug addiction by using heroin. She broke into someone else's home and was arrested. Brittany had to suffer the detox while incarcerated and got out a few weeks later. Her mother was her saving grace and helped her to stay off drugs. After plenty of calls, requests, and denials, Brittany was able to get into a half-way house CITATION Wil16 \l 1033 (Wilhoit, 2016) . With her sobriety, she was able to obtain a job working in a drug treatment center, helping others with similar incidences. Brittany exclaimed that drug addiction is a disease and it should be treated as such and throwi ng someone in jail is not good enough CITATION Wil16 \l 1033 (Wilhoit, 2016) . This paper will first discuss the effects of substance abuse on the mothers and their unborn children, including pre- and post-natal. Next, it will go through the variety of prosecutions by states who indict for prenatal drug abuse. Then, it will examine the different treatment options for drug abused pregnancies. La stly, it will discuss possible policy implications for the children and their mothers. EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE ON MOTHERS UNBORN CHILDREN Substance abu se has physical, emotional, and neurological effects on the human body . Physical effects can be abnorm al respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure. The worst and most specific, physical effect drugs can have on the body is dependence CITATION Tra16 \l 1033 (Tracy, 2016) . If an individual becomes drug dependent, extreme sickness is bound to happen, if you stop taking them. Emotional effects include, aggressiveness, irritability, and severe mental illness. Drugs produce euphoric effects when taken, however, some can also cause damage due to seizures, stroke, and direct toxic effects on the brain CITATION NID17 \l 1033 (NIDA, 2017) . Drug abusers can also develop diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis, and other serious medical consequences, including death CITATION Dru16 \l 1033
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
No Country for English
No Country for English No Country for English No Country for English By Maeve Maddox In preparing to write a review of No Country for Old Men, I glanced at some online discussions of the film to see what other people were saying. The grammarian in me overcame the movie critic as I found myself paying more attention to the mode of expression than the thoughts being expressed. In Dustins Review of the film I found three items that distracted me from the content. 1. Of the character Sheriff Ed Tom Bell, the reviewer observes just as he has previously laid witness to similar atrocities over the decades One lays claim to something, but one simply witnesses an atrocity. 2. Again speaking of the sheriff, the reviewer says all he tragically finds in Gods place is an empty void Since the word void means empty or an empty place. it seems a case of belt and suspenders to talk about an empty void. 3. Of the killer, played by Javier Bardem, the reviewer says Whenever he comes in contact with someone, the viewer holds their breath, quite aware of the extent to which he is capable of. In addition to the agreement problem of the viewer holds their breath (which some readers may wish to defend), theres another problem: quite aware of the extent to which he is capable of. Three separate idioms have been crammed into one convoluted sentence. Lets break it down. This killer is a psychopath who kills human beings the way farmers slaughter beef. Very quickly the movie-goer knows that this person would as soon kill you as look at you. The viewer, therefore, is aware of what the killer is capable of. The viewer is aware of the extent of the killers depravity. The viewer is aware of the extremes to which the killer will go. A lot of work has gone into the site on which this review appears. It may contain some outstanding reviews. Its a shame that the first article Ive read contains such careless writing. I now hesitate to look at the others. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the Future3 Cases of Complicated HyphenationPhrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Americans Getting Taller, Bigger, Fatter, Says CDC
Americans Getting Taller, Bigger, Fatter, Says CDC Average adult Americans are about one inch taller, but nearly a whopping 25 pounds heavier than they were in 1960, according to a 2002 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The bad news, says CDC is that average BMI (body mass index, a weight-for-height formula used to measure obesity) has increased among adults from approximately 25 in 1960 to 28 in 2002. The report, Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index (BMI) 1960-2002: United States, shows that the average height of a men aged 20-74 years increased from just over 58 in 1960 to 59 and 1/2 in 2002, while the average height of a woman the same age increased from slightly over 53 1960 to 54 in 2002. Meanwhile, the average weight for men aged 20-74 years rose dramatically from 166.3 pounds in 1960 to 191 pounds in 2002, while the average weight for women the same age increased from 140.2 pounds in 1960 to 164.3 pounds in 2002. Though the average weight for men aged 20-39 years increased by nearly 20 pounds over the last four decades, the increase was greater among older men: Men between the ages of 40 and 49 were nearly 27 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Men between the ages of 50 and 59 were nearly 28 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Men between the ages of 60 and 74 were almost 33 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960. As to the average weights for women: Women aged 20-29 were nearly 29 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Women aged 40-49 were about 25 ½ pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Women aged 60-74 were about 17 ½ pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960. Meanwhile, the report documented that average weights for children are increasing as well: The average weight for a 10 year-old-boy in 1963 was 74.2 pounds; by 2002 the average weight was nearly 85 pounds.The average weight for a 10-year-old girl in 1963 was 77.4 pounds; by 2002 the average weight was nearly 88 pounds.A 15-year-old boy weighed 135.5 pounds on average in 1966; by 2002 the average weight of a boy that age increased to 150.3 pounds.A 15-year-old girl weighed 124.2 pounds on average in 1966; by 2002 the average weight for a girl that age was 134.4 pounds According to the report, average heights for children increased as well over the past four decades. For example: The average height of a 10-year-old boy in 1963 was 55.2 inches; by 2002 the average height of a 10-year-old boy had increased to 55.7 inches.The average height of a 10-year-old girl in 1963 was about 55.5 inches; by 2002 the average height of a 10-year-old girl had increased to 56.4 inches.In 1966, the average height of a 15-year-old boy was 67.5 inches or almost 57 ½; by 2002 the average height of a 15-year-old boy was 68.4 or almost 58 and 1/2.In 1996, the average height of a 15-year-old girl was 63.9 inches; by 2002 the average height of a 15-year-old girl had not changed significantly (63.8 inches). Average Body Mass Index (BMI) for children and teens has increased as well: In 1963, the average BMI for a 7-year-old boy was 15.9; in 2002 it was 17.0. For girls the same age, the average BMI increased from 15.8 to 16.6 over the same period.In 1966, the average BMI for a 16-year-old boy was 21.3; in 2002, it was 24.1. For girls the same age, the average BMI increased from 21.9 to 24.0 over the same period. The BMI is a single number that evaluates an individuals weight status in relation to height. BMI is generally used as the first indicator in assessing body fat and has been the most common method of tracking weight problems and obesity among adults. Even Heavier by 2014 In its latest â€Å"tale-of-the-scale†on Americans, the CDC reported that both men and women had, on average, grown even heavier than in 2002. According to the report â€Å"Anthropometric Reference Data for Children and Adults: United States, 2011–2014,† the average weight for men over age 20 had increased by 4.7 pounds, from 191 pounds in 2002 to 195.7 pounds in 2014. At the same time, the average weight for men over age 20 increased by 4.2 pounds, from 164.3 pounds in 2002 to 168.5 pounds in 2014.
Americans Getting Taller, Bigger, Fatter, Says CDC
Americans Getting Taller, Bigger, Fatter, Says CDC Average adult Americans are about one inch taller, but nearly a whopping 25 pounds heavier than they were in 1960, according to a 2002 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The bad news, says CDC is that average BMI (body mass index, a weight-for-height formula used to measure obesity) has increased among adults from approximately 25 in 1960 to 28 in 2002. The report, Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index (BMI) 1960-2002: United States, shows that the average height of a men aged 20-74 years increased from just over 58 in 1960 to 59 and 1/2 in 2002, while the average height of a woman the same age increased from slightly over 53 1960 to 54 in 2002. Meanwhile, the average weight for men aged 20-74 years rose dramatically from 166.3 pounds in 1960 to 191 pounds in 2002, while the average weight for women the same age increased from 140.2 pounds in 1960 to 164.3 pounds in 2002. Though the average weight for men aged 20-39 years increased by nearly 20 pounds over the last four decades, the increase was greater among older men: Men between the ages of 40 and 49 were nearly 27 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Men between the ages of 50 and 59 were nearly 28 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Men between the ages of 60 and 74 were almost 33 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960. As to the average weights for women: Women aged 20-29 were nearly 29 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Women aged 40-49 were about 25 ½ pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Women aged 60-74 were about 17 ½ pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960. Meanwhile, the report documented that average weights for children are increasing as well: The average weight for a 10 year-old-boy in 1963 was 74.2 pounds; by 2002 the average weight was nearly 85 pounds.The average weight for a 10-year-old girl in 1963 was 77.4 pounds; by 2002 the average weight was nearly 88 pounds.A 15-year-old boy weighed 135.5 pounds on average in 1966; by 2002 the average weight of a boy that age increased to 150.3 pounds.A 15-year-old girl weighed 124.2 pounds on average in 1966; by 2002 the average weight for a girl that age was 134.4 pounds According to the report, average heights for children increased as well over the past four decades. For example: The average height of a 10-year-old boy in 1963 was 55.2 inches; by 2002 the average height of a 10-year-old boy had increased to 55.7 inches.The average height of a 10-year-old girl in 1963 was about 55.5 inches; by 2002 the average height of a 10-year-old girl had increased to 56.4 inches.In 1966, the average height of a 15-year-old boy was 67.5 inches or almost 57 ½; by 2002 the average height of a 15-year-old boy was 68.4 or almost 58 and 1/2.In 1996, the average height of a 15-year-old girl was 63.9 inches; by 2002 the average height of a 15-year-old girl had not changed significantly (63.8 inches). Average Body Mass Index (BMI) for children and teens has increased as well: In 1963, the average BMI for a 7-year-old boy was 15.9; in 2002 it was 17.0. For girls the same age, the average BMI increased from 15.8 to 16.6 over the same period.In 1966, the average BMI for a 16-year-old boy was 21.3; in 2002, it was 24.1. For girls the same age, the average BMI increased from 21.9 to 24.0 over the same period. The BMI is a single number that evaluates an individuals weight status in relation to height. BMI is generally used as the first indicator in assessing body fat and has been the most common method of tracking weight problems and obesity among adults. Even Heavier by 2014 In its latest â€Å"tale-of-the-scale†on Americans, the CDC reported that both men and women had, on average, grown even heavier than in 2002. According to the report â€Å"Anthropometric Reference Data for Children and Adults: United States, 2011–2014,† the average weight for men over age 20 had increased by 4.7 pounds, from 191 pounds in 2002 to 195.7 pounds in 2014. At the same time, the average weight for men over age 20 increased by 4.2 pounds, from 164.3 pounds in 2002 to 168.5 pounds in 2014.
Americans Getting Taller, Bigger, Fatter, Says CDC
Americans Getting Taller, Bigger, Fatter, Says CDC Average adult Americans are about one inch taller, but nearly a whopping 25 pounds heavier than they were in 1960, according to a 2002 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The bad news, says CDC is that average BMI (body mass index, a weight-for-height formula used to measure obesity) has increased among adults from approximately 25 in 1960 to 28 in 2002. The report, Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index (BMI) 1960-2002: United States, shows that the average height of a men aged 20-74 years increased from just over 58 in 1960 to 59 and 1/2 in 2002, while the average height of a woman the same age increased from slightly over 53 1960 to 54 in 2002. Meanwhile, the average weight for men aged 20-74 years rose dramatically from 166.3 pounds in 1960 to 191 pounds in 2002, while the average weight for women the same age increased from 140.2 pounds in 1960 to 164.3 pounds in 2002. Though the average weight for men aged 20-39 years increased by nearly 20 pounds over the last four decades, the increase was greater among older men: Men between the ages of 40 and 49 were nearly 27 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Men between the ages of 50 and 59 were nearly 28 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Men between the ages of 60 and 74 were almost 33 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960. As to the average weights for women: Women aged 20-29 were nearly 29 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Women aged 40-49 were about 25 ½ pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.Women aged 60-74 were about 17 ½ pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960. Meanwhile, the report documented that average weights for children are increasing as well: The average weight for a 10 year-old-boy in 1963 was 74.2 pounds; by 2002 the average weight was nearly 85 pounds.The average weight for a 10-year-old girl in 1963 was 77.4 pounds; by 2002 the average weight was nearly 88 pounds.A 15-year-old boy weighed 135.5 pounds on average in 1966; by 2002 the average weight of a boy that age increased to 150.3 pounds.A 15-year-old girl weighed 124.2 pounds on average in 1966; by 2002 the average weight for a girl that age was 134.4 pounds According to the report, average heights for children increased as well over the past four decades. For example: The average height of a 10-year-old boy in 1963 was 55.2 inches; by 2002 the average height of a 10-year-old boy had increased to 55.7 inches.The average height of a 10-year-old girl in 1963 was about 55.5 inches; by 2002 the average height of a 10-year-old girl had increased to 56.4 inches.In 1966, the average height of a 15-year-old boy was 67.5 inches or almost 57 ½; by 2002 the average height of a 15-year-old boy was 68.4 or almost 58 and 1/2.In 1996, the average height of a 15-year-old girl was 63.9 inches; by 2002 the average height of a 15-year-old girl had not changed significantly (63.8 inches). Average Body Mass Index (BMI) for children and teens has increased as well: In 1963, the average BMI for a 7-year-old boy was 15.9; in 2002 it was 17.0. For girls the same age, the average BMI increased from 15.8 to 16.6 over the same period.In 1966, the average BMI for a 16-year-old boy was 21.3; in 2002, it was 24.1. For girls the same age, the average BMI increased from 21.9 to 24.0 over the same period. The BMI is a single number that evaluates an individuals weight status in relation to height. BMI is generally used as the first indicator in assessing body fat and has been the most common method of tracking weight problems and obesity among adults. Even Heavier by 2014 In its latest â€Å"tale-of-the-scale†on Americans, the CDC reported that both men and women had, on average, grown even heavier than in 2002. According to the report â€Å"Anthropometric Reference Data for Children and Adults: United States, 2011–2014,† the average weight for men over age 20 had increased by 4.7 pounds, from 191 pounds in 2002 to 195.7 pounds in 2014. At the same time, the average weight for men over age 20 increased by 4.2 pounds, from 164.3 pounds in 2002 to 168.5 pounds in 2014.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Wild justice Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Wild justice - Term Paper Example The then President, John Kennedy, appointed him the Justice of the Supreme Court on 1963 May. Goldberg considered capital punishment a bad public policy as it could never prevent criminal crimes. He asserted that death penalty levied mainly on specific groups of the society such as the poor, the politically powerless and to some extent, the innocent by misjudgments. Another issue that arose was the fact that most of those affected by the death penalty, were the blacks leading to a racial prejudice. He resolved to end capital punishment starting from the courts as a Supreme Court Justice. According to A Wild Justice (28), the Justice Arthur Goldberg dissected from a decision from the Supreme Court not to hear the death penalty appeal involving Frank Lee Rudolph verses a white woman from Alabama. Rudolph was a black man who had a death penalty for raping a white woman from Alabama. This issue clearly heightened, given the fact that it regarded racism. The then Chief Justice, Earl Warre n, feared taking on the issue as Justice Goldberg and his clerk Dershowitz had already written an extensive memorandum that detailed all the cases of racial discrimination in capital punishments. Goldberg knew it would become very necessary to get as much support as possible for his decent. While keeping a low profile, Goldberg used his clerk, Deshowtz to send his memo about his dissect to various organizations including the NAACP Legal Defense Fund (A Wild Justice, 30). The news about Goldberg’s dissection from the Supreme Court’s decision circulated to a suite of offices on the twentieth floor of 10 Columbus Circle in Midtown Manhattan in early November. This was a home to the most important law firm in America, and simply implied that the information was to be in the reach of public consumption. The New York Times wrote about his dissect immediately and praised him terming the move as raising â€Å"a potential far reaching idea†(A Wild Justice, 34). The Nati onal Association for the Advancement of the Colored People Legal Defense Fund was a very successful organization since its formation. It had several legal victories that clearly meant that the Goldberg’s dissect issue could get a serious back up. LDF was a supportive organization about issues that affected the social linings of American Citizens. Lawyers of LDF had won several cases in various social issues. In 1944, LDF lawyers won the Smith vs. Allwright case, in which a decision was made requiring Texas to allow the African Americans to vote in primary elections (A Wild Justice, 32). The support that LDF gave to these social classes was in conjunction with the core role of the organization, that is, to give equal rights to all Americans regardless of race or social status The role of LDF was also manifested in the Morgan verses Virginia case. This 1946 case involved desegregation of interstate buses and the LDF lawyers won. Most Africans had commonly been discriminated in terms of service in state offices. Several movements to avert these social issues had already sprung up and LDF played a major role in the support for this movements. LDF managed to secure victory in a case protecting the African Americans to serve on juries and allowed African Americans to be involved in real estate business and property ownership. The LDF’s lawyers also help in the more serious case involving Martin Luther King, Jr, in which charges of contempt followed his protest of Birmingham segregation. The arguments raised by the LDF’s lawyers enabled the Supreme Court to drop all the charges that stemmed from all the civil rights sit-ins. All of this success made people to believe the power of LDF to be limitless (A Wild Justice, 32). The issue of Goldberg dissection arrived at the LDF and they immediately
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The Importance of Parking Lots, and Why Parking is Already So Much Essay
The Importance of Parking Lots, and Why Parking is Already So Much More - Essay Example They take up a significant amount of space and a prevalent wherever a person travels, at least in developed countries. However, in his argument, Ben-Joseph does not take into account the necessity of parking spaces, or the cost of the changes that he argues for. Before a suggestion like his is implemented, our society needs to become less dependent on cars and learn to use the parking spaces that we do have more efficiently. It is true that there are more parking spaces than cars, and Ben-Joseph’s figure of three times as many is probably very accurate. However, does this actually suggest that there are too many? The difficulty that is associated with finding parking at a popular venue suggests otherwise. For example, a parking space study in Bristol, Virginia found that the city needed more parking spaces in its downtown area. Furthermore, the study recommended that a parking building be created that had up to 240 spaces (McGee 2012). The stress and difficulty in finding a pa rking space in some cities is so bad that smartphone applications have been developed to help motorists find a space effectively (Gonzales 2011). These two examples suggest that the current number of parking spaces that are available is not enough in some places, rather than there being an excessive amount, as Ben-Joseph suggests. Another aspect of parking that Ben-Joseph does not take into account is the difference between parking spaces and parking lots. He suggests that there are approximately 800 million parking spaces in the United States, and extrapolates this to mean that parking spaces cover 4,360 square miles. This is not completely true. One only has to look at city streets to see that a large number of parking spaces are not part of parking lots, but are on the side of the road. Often, these are the most important parking spaces to people trying to get somewhere specific. While these spaces do take up the same amount of physical area as a parking space within a lot, remov ing these would not result in more available space. The impression that Ben-Joseph gives of parking lots sprawling across the country, blotting the landscape and taking up substantial amounts of space may be true. However, the level at which this occurs is not as dire as he suggests. As a potential solution to the ‘problem’ of parking lots, Ben-Joseph argues that parking lots themselves need to be transformed. He considers that there needs to be a greater focus on appearance, public uses and the environment. However, there are two problems with this proposed solution. The first is the associated cost. The way that parking lots are created is largely due to the relatively low cost. In terms of both time and money, it is much cheaper to create a flat, paved lot with the required lines, markers and other components, than it would be to create one that is more aesthetically pleasing. Even the simplest approach of landscaping the area would cost. The second problem is that r evamping car lots in this way would also decrease the number of parking spaces that they provide. This is a significant problem, as parking spaces are an important component of our society, and many people rely on them in order to store their car while they work. An alternative solution to the perspective that Ben-Joseph proposes a two-pronged approach, where the use of parking spaces is optimized and transportation via cars is decreased. The smartphone application for determining
Friday, January 24, 2020
Identifying a Computers Parts :: Computer Science Electronics Essays Papers
Identifying a Computer's Parts Computer is no longer something new and magical to many people nowadays, because many families now have at least one computer in their homes. It is without doubt that there are thousands and millions of computer users in the country, but is it ever possible for all of them to explain how a computer works? No. Alright, can they even classify the components of a computer appropriately? Not quite. They may know how to describe the physical appearance of a computer and they will probably include two or three other terms as well, such as monitor, keyboard or a mouse. Nonetheless, classification of a computer should not be done this way. In fact, a computer can be broken down into three distinct categories, namely output, input and CPU. The term 'output' consists of all components that display words and graphics so that a person can see them. Many people can easily understand why the monitor is a form of output device since it is the screen that tells them what the computer is actually doing. Simply put, without a monitor, the computer itself is basically useless. Another form of output, which is rarely noticed by many computer users however, is the printer. Many people have probably used a printer before, but it is just that they never realize it is also a form of output. As opposed to 'output', 'input' consists of components that take in information from the users themselves so that the computer will know the tasks it is supposed to perform and accomplish. The keyboard is classified as a form of input because this is where the users enter commands and text. There are many other forms of input as well. Nonetheless, many people just don't realize them, or are too lazy to classify them. For instance, the mouse belongs to input, since it provides a floating pointer on the screen so that the users can access commands faster and easier. The scanner is another form of input, because it acts like a photocopier, except it scans the image and makes it onto the computer screen instead of onto a piece of paper. The CPU, Central Processing Unit is probably the most important category of the three. As the name implies, it is the soul of a computer, very much alike the human brain. For unknown reasons though, people often call the CPU a computer. This is absolutely incorrect. The word computer is merely a general term which must always include all the three categories in order to operate. Perhaps the constituents of a CPU itself should be mentioned.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Basics Behind Qualitative Research
yFundamentals of Qualitative Research Jamye D. Jeter Cameron Submitted to Dr. Curtis Maybee University of Phoenix Fundamentals of Qualitative Research When a researcher sets out to begin a study, he or she must begin by asking questions of him or herself. These questions lead to the determination of the type of research study the researcher is going to conduct. The study may be based on qualitative research, quantitative research, or both. But, in order to determine the study method and design choice, the researcher needs to see what is fueling his or her research question.Research questions based on quantitative research focuses on obtaining data that can be measured, usually in some form or numerical/statistical manner (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010). Qualitative research is based more on why certain phenomenon take place and what can be done to better understand why the phenomenon took place at all (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010). This paper will serve as a brief overview of the fundamental s of qualitative research.Through this paper, the reader should be able to receive a basic understanding of the characteristics of a qualitative problem statement and purpose statement; formulation of qualitative research questions; and qualitative data collection and analysis procedures. Characteristics of a Qualitative Problem Statement According to Leedy & Ormrod (2010), â€Å"qualitative researchers often formulate general research problems, and ask only general questions about the phenomenon they are studying†(p. 136).By taking this approach, the problem statement in a qualitative study may come across somewhat vague. The problem statement will attempt to be as direct as possible, and will hopefully detail why the researcher selected qualitative over quantitative research. However, the fascinating thing about qualitative studies is there is always room to evolve and further develop the study based on the information and data collected (Rubin, 2007, Leedy & Ormro d, 2010). The problem statement guides the researcher’s interest from the stage of curiosity to the stage of being a specific statement.The problem statement will also explain why the researcher feels their particular topic is important and what has already been researched in this particular area (Rubin, 2007). Characteristics of a Qualitative Purpose Statement The purpose statement of a qualitative research study, much like that of quantitative studies, gives an account of the purpose or intention of the study (Jenkins, 2009). The purpose statement is specific and addresses some information gaps that may exist in what is currently known from previous studies (Merriam, 2002).Researchers may often time take on a study of a phenomenon merely because this is not an abundance of research material about the phenomenon (Merriam, 2002). This can lead to the researcher having the ability to build his or her hypothesis or theory as information is gathered. However, the purpose stateme nt will need to identify the data collection methods chosen, and reveal the possible research questions that will be explored. Formulation of Qualitative Research Questions When trying to determine the research questions that will need to be asked, the researcher must understand what or whom, he or she is trying to research.A means to make this determination, the researcher can select a sample from which he or she believes to be the most informative and beneficial to the research (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010). This process is called a purposive or purposeful sample. When making a sample selection, the researcher must also make a determination of what the criteria of the sample will be; for example male or female; certain ages, ethnicity or heights; certain occupations; etc. Once the sample size and criteria is determined, the researcher will then be able to develop questions that can be posed to the sample group to get the information needed for the study.Data Collection and Analysis T he areas of data collection and analysis go hand and hand. In order to analyze the data, the researcher must first collect the data. According to Leedy & Ormrod, 2010, â€Å"there are three major sources of data for qualitative studies – interviews, observations, and documents†(p. 23). If is up to the researcher to determine what process of research is best for the study he or she is conducting. There are times when only one method is used, but then there are times when more than one method is used. However, the researcher may identify his or her primary method (Rubin, 2007).It is also possible to utilize the internet and worldwide web to collect information for the study also. After the data is collected, the researcher must be able to analyze the data. The truth is the data analysis is usually simultaneous with the data collection stage (Rubin, 2007). From the time the first interview takes place or observation begins, the researcher should already be analyzing what he or she has learned. By doing so, the researcher can eliminate the possibility of being overwhelmed with information at the conclusion of the data collection process.While analyzing, the information collected, the researcher can break up what he or she learns into categories (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010). The use of these categories will help identify any patterns of behavior or occurrence that may exist. References Jenkins, L. (2009). Fundamentals of quantitative research: Considerations in research methodology. Retrieved from the website: www. academicwriting. suite101. com on July 18, 2010. Leedy, P. and Ormrod, E. (2010). Practical research: Planning and design, 9ed. Merrill. Pearson Education. Merriam, S. B. (2002).Introduction to qualitative research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Rubin, A. (2007). Practitioner’s guide to using research for evidence-based practice. New York: Wiley Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Part 2 Based upon Prospectus II * How does the prob lem statement align with the approach communicated in the purpose section? The problem statement aligned with the outlined approach. The problem was determined to be that qualified teachers are turning down jobs at low performing schools. The approach was to take surveys and interviews to find out why this is occurring. How does the purpose of the study inform the way in which the research questions are written? The purpose statement tells that the researcher will use in-depth open-ended interviews and questionnaires given to 100 current teachers, who have at least turned down employment at one low performing school.Do the research questions adequately address the problem as detailed by the researcher? Why or why not? In my opinion, the research question shown, while pertinent to the outcome, seems a little vague. Perhaps, if there was one than one research question posed, there may have been a little more clarity. Does the wording of the purpose statement and research question sugg est the methodology used in the study? How? Yes, the wording in the purpose statement and research question suggest the methodology used in the study. In the purpose statement, it begins with in this qualitative study†¦ That is telling the reader, this is definitely going to be a qualitative research study. In the research question, there is a lot of implication as to what and why. Typically, who, what, why and how are signs that the study is going to be centered on qualitative research methodology.Does the methodology employed adequately address all aspects of the problem detailed by the researcher? Why or Why not? The use of interviews and questionnaires seemingly will produce the results the researcher is looking for. * Do all elements of the project’s design work together in a cohesive and logical manner? Why or Why not? Yes, the components presented for this project, did work together in a cohesive and logical manner. The information flowed well, and was very easy t o read and understand what the project was focusing on, and how the researcher planned to get to that point.
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