Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Victims Of Domestic Violence - 2731 Words
Every couple months there is a story on the news about a woman being physically assaulted or murdered by her professional athlete spouse/boyfriend. The reality of the situation is that these events happen each day in families across the globe, but due to their lack of social standing, their stories are not front page news on the Sunday paper. However, although this is a substantial problem for the abused men and woman of our society, the forgotten victims of domestic violence are the children who witness these horrific acts. The likelihood of children witnessing a domestic violence incident and being traumatized following that event is tremendous. Exposure to trauma is a reality for many children, though the extent and type of trauma varies. Edleson (1999) describes adult-to-adult domestic violence as a wide range of events, such as the child directly viewing the violence, hearing it, being used as a tool of the perpetrator, and experiencing the aftermath of violence. For example, a perpetrator hitting or threatening a child while in his or her mother’s arms, taking the child hostage to force the mother’s return to the home, using a child as a physical weapon against the victim, forcing the child to watch assaults against the mother or to participate in the abuse, and using the child as a spy or interrogating him or her about the mother’s activities (pg. 4). As a result of the high prevalence of domestic violence and the increased likelihood that children will be exposed toShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence As A Victim Of Domestic Abuse1686 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Although we lost Ellen Pence, a woman who changed how domestic violence is addressed, in 2012, there are many lives that are being saved to this day because of her work. Ellen Pence found her calling in 1977 when she began working for the Minneapolis Housing Authority that helped individuals relocate with housing complications (StarTribune, 2010). It was then that she immersed herself through domestic violence cases and set the standard for addressing these cases. Ellen Pence isRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On The Victim755 Words  | 4 Pageshealth organization) Out of each emergency room visit for injuries, 25-30% was there for domestic-violence related problems. (Hansen,2014) Domestic violence is a serious issue that has been a top priority for mental health professionals for some time now. Exposure to domestic violence can have long-term mental health effects on the victim. Various types of groups are being used in treating survivors of domestic violence that include support groups, time-limited groups, and long-term groups. This groupRead MoreBeing A Victim Of Domestic Violence1596 Words  | 7 Pagesweight, you name it has the possibility of being a victim of domestic violence. However, there are certain risk factors that increases the likelihood of becoming a victim. In bad neighborhoods, they may feel socially ostracized if there is tension in the area and a lack of community. This can also be a consequence of victimization because the offender may separate himself and the victim from all contact from family, friends, etc. When the victim needs love and support, they will not know where toRead MoreChild Victims of Domestic Violence1341 Words  | 6 PagesÕssay Child victims of domestic violence Family today are unfortunately less as a fundamental unit of a healthy society. Almost all countries in the world are faced with the inability to determine the number of victims of kriminalitetot, and especially when such women. According to UN studies, women are the most frequent victims of sexual violence (50%) attacks of personality (10%) and other attacks on property (10%). For nasilonichkiot kriminalitet family largely lacksRead MoreDomestic Violence Victims And The Ways2356 Words  | 10 PagesAmong some institutions, there is a tendency to view domestic violence victims as living a â€Å"risky life†(Johnson 2014). People who are domestic violence victims experience discrimination, extreme hardships, and poverty; however, victims still attempt to seek help and separation from domestic abuse by using law enforcement and programs offered to shelter domestic violence victims from harm (Currul-Dykeman 2014). Research suggests domestic violence is the primary cause of ho melessness because of theRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Victims And Varies1700 Words  | 7 PagesDefinition, strengths and limitations, and occurrence Domestic violence as a form of trauma can have an impact on victims and varies in the form in which it occurs. Domestic violence can occur directly to an individual or family or indirectly as exposure to domestic violence. The Department of Justice defines domestic violence as â€Å"a pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner†. According to CrossRead MoreWhat Causes Victims Of Domestic Violence1257 Words  | 6 PagesWhat causes victims of domestic violence to stay? Every year in the United States, One in four women are victims of the domestic violence; however, this is only based on what has been reported to the department of justice (Stahly 2008). While men are also victims of domestic violence, women are more often the victims. Moreover, 90% of domestic violence is male initiated. In severe cases domestic violence ends with victims being murdered. More specifically, domestic violence resulted in 2,340 deathsRead MoreThe Response Of Male Victims Of Domestic Violence2311 Words  | 10 PagesThe Response of Male Victims of Domestic Violence Kevin Chen 500565266 CRM 202 Section 011 For the Annotated Bibliography assignment, the topic that will be the centre of focus is the Response of Male Victims of Domestic Violence. While there have been many research papers written on female victims of domestic violence, this assignment will be focusing on the reverse of how male victims respond to domestic violence and the various aspects, whether they are social, personal, or cultural, to thoseRead MoreThe Essential Guide For Victims Of Domestic Violence5422 Words  | 22 PagesGuide for Victims of Domestic Violence Why Did We Write This Guide? In the United States, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by a domestic partner. One-third of all women and one-quarter of all men have been the victims of physical violence at the hands of a partner. These statistics do not take into account other forms of abuse, such as mental and emotional abuse that both men and women suffer on a daily basis from those who profess to love them. In addition, domestic violence is oneRead MoreHelping Victims From Domestic Violence1306 Words  | 6 Pagesorganization that are trying to help victims from domestic violence. For example, â€Å"Women’s Law Organization†is one of the organization that was created by Elizabeth Martin a native of North Carolina, who found her way into domestic violence advocacy when she worked at a shelter in Washington State after completing her undergraduate degree. She had help from her team to put this organization on point. Her interest for this organization was to help survivor of domes tic violence to overcome the tragedy they
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