Monday, May 18, 2020

Coordinated Market Economy - 17621 Words

MPIfG Discussion Paper 04/5 Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional Complementarities in the Macroeconomy An Empirical Analysis Peter A. Hall and Daniel W. Gingerich Peter A. Hall is Krupp Foundation Professor of European Studies and the Director of the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University. Daniel W. Gingerich is a Graduate Associate of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and a Ph. D. candidate in the Department of Government at Harvard University. Peter A. Hall Daniel W. Gingerich Peter A. Hall and Daniel W. Gingerich Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional Complementarities in the Macroeconomy: An Empirical Analysis MPIfG†¦show more content†¦This question has been central to comparative political economy for many years. However, most answers to it focus on institutions in a single sphere of the political economy. In economics, there are large but separate literatures on labor and financial markets. One explores the impact of labor regulations, social regimes, and trade unions on growth or unemployment (Nickell 1997; OECD 1994; Calmfors/ Driffil 1988). The other considers the effects of accounting standards, the legal standing of owners or creditors, ownership patterns, and equity or bank-based finance on levels of investment or growth (Carlin/Mayer 1999a, 1999b; LaPorta et al. 1998a; Huang/Xu 1999; Mayer 1996). A similar separation is evident in political science. Although neocorporatism can be defined in broad terms (cf. Katzenstein 1985; Schmitter/Lehmbruch 1978), analyses of its economic impact usually focus on the organization of the trade union movement, considering its interactio n mainly with the partisanship of governance (Cameron 1984; Alvarez et al. 1991; Garrett 1999).1 An entirely different literature examines the structure of financial systems (Verdier 2000; Cox 1986; Zysman 1984).2 However, there are good reasons to expect interaction effects among institutions across spheres of the political economy. In recent years, significant interaction effects have been found between monetary institutions and those governingShow MoreRelated Varieties of Capitalism Essay2378 Words   |  10 Pagesdistinguished and identified two types of coordination - Liberal Market Economies (LMEs) and Coordinated Market Economies (CMEs), in which competitive markets are dominant in LMES while CMEs are mainly based on strategic interaction. 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Therefore, regardless of many benefits that uniform standards could bring, there are numerous evidences found that could support Ball’s judgement. The perception that uniform financial reporting could not be accomplished by depending solely on uniform standards is supported due to varieties of capitalism. â€Å"The form of financial reporting should be tailored to the type of economic system† (Walker, 2010). For instance, the main focus of Coordinated Market Economies (CMEs) appliedRead MoreIntroduction A system is a network of parts which interlock to form an overall pattern. An economic1500 Words   |  6 Pagesdetermines how the output is distributed. Because the economy is governed and coordinated by central authority, command system are also called centrally planned systems. Central planning is a tremendous task; decisions have to be taken on how, where and for what purpose every natural resource, every labourer and every capital good are to be applied. Planners can be wrong about future needs, and they do not provide people with many choices. Command economies are often described as socialists or communistRead More A Humean Theory of Distributive Justice Essay3966 Words   |  16 Pagesinsurance-based reasoning supporting his equality of resources model of distributive justice will yield a state which, as a matter of justice, encourages its members to engage in entrepreneurial activities and which protects them from the worst extremes of market economies. Introduction I claim that an attractive theory of distributive justice can be constructed by blending David Humes ideas about the origins and purposes of justice with Ronald Dworkins insurance-based justification for his equality ofRead MoreBgs Models1880 Words   |  8 Pages The Market Capitalism Model The market capitalism model, shown in Figure 1.2, depicts business as operating within a market environment, responding primarily to powerful economic forces. There, it is substantially sheltered from direct impact by social and political forces. The market acts as a buffer between business and nonmarket forces. To appreciate this model, it is important to understand the history and nature of markets and the classic explanation of how they work. Markets are as oldRead MoreThe Dichotomy Between Capitalism And Communism Essay1179 Words   |  5 PagesEconomies throughout the world differ along varying lines, with some taking worker oriented approaches, and others pushing profit and risk into priority. The dichotomy between Capitalism and Communism throughout the 20th century can lead one to feel that capitalist nations are a unified front in how they approach economics. This is untrue, as even capitalist nations view the free market in different forms. Some may view government involvement as a necessity, others as a plague. American economicsRead MoreComparative Critique Of Comparative Capitalism1214 Words   |  5 Pagesby prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. (2015). However for an ideal capitalism to fully operate it requires a set of conditions or institutions such as legitimacy of government and the rule of law, a well-defined property right, firms acting as price takers, not barriers to entry and exit, free capital and labor markets and free trade. (Henderson and Ramanna, 2001). However, it happens that these conditions are not usuallyRead MoreThe Varieties Of Capitalism : The Institutional Foundations Of Comparative Advantage1633 Words   |  7 Pagescoordination problems that they encounter, differs across political economies. They identify five broad realms in which firms must build relationships in order to solve the coordination issues which are vital to their core competencies. These five spheres include industrial relations, corporate governance, inter-firm relations, vocational training and education, and employees. Liberal Market Economies (LMEs) and Coordinated Market Economies (CMEs) can be viewed as the two prototypes representing the twoRead MoreCase Study : Management And Communication Essay1263 Words   |  6 Pagesand communication to subsidiaries.(Scullion H and Starkey 2000) Factors to be considered while framing policies MNCs set up subsidiaries or joint ventures in different countries. MNCs should mainly consider the legal practices, minimum wages, Labour market regulations, the culture, industrial relations systems, the character of country’s welfare system and the cross- country differences for framing the policies. MNCs may choose to adapt the environment in the host country or develop policies based on

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Improving The Assembly Line System Of Work - 1518 Words

In the early stages of manufacturing quality and cost went hand-in-hand, if one went down so did the other but now quality is maintained at an excellent standard and cost is going down; engineers are racing to the bottom in price. This is achieved by the engineers that have created a system of work that is the assembly line, allowing for more affordability and profitable, and leading to innovation. By implementing the assembly line system of work, it requires simple tasks to be accomplished by multiple people at a constant pace, which results in cost efficient production. This system allows more product to be produced in a smaller period of time to meet the demand of the people, as the price is cheaper. However, profit is not changed†¦show more content†¦At first companies knew that the products they were producing were expensive, which would be limited to only the handful of rich people. Engineers began by hiring more less educated people at lower wages, instead of having less high educated people at high wages doing simple tasks. However, this is not the only way, by moving the product through the company instead of the person via a conveyer would increase efficiency. Also companies eventually realized that foreigners would do these jobs at less wage because either the person did not know or the person was trying to create a better future. Once countries began implementing currency exchange, manufacturing could be moved to anywhere in the world and cost to produce would decrease and the number of people looking to purchase the product would increase. Ford began manufacturing almost all over the world and manufacturing in foreign countries is cheaper than North America plus it creates a larger purchasing group. The assembly line essentially moved the product along a conveyer belt at a consistent pace. The workers have to make their modifications to the product and place it back for the next person to make their modification, so on and so forth. The s peed of the conveyer belt could be increased and decreased, so workers would work at optimal pace, as they would have to repeat their modification for 12 hours a day. Once workers at the Ford factories grew impatient with repeating the same task, they

The Victims Of Domestic Violence - 2731 Words

Every couple months there is a story on the news about a woman being physically assaulted or murdered by her professional athlete spouse/boyfriend. The reality of the situation is that these events happen each day in families across the globe, but due to their lack of social standing, their stories are not front page news on the Sunday paper. However, although this is a substantial problem for the abused men and woman of our society, the forgotten victims of domestic violence are the children who witness these horrific acts. The likelihood of children witnessing a domestic violence incident and being traumatized following that event is tremendous. Exposure to trauma is a reality for many children, though the extent and type of trauma varies. Edleson (1999) describes adult-to-adult domestic violence as a wide range of events, such as the child directly viewing the violence, hearing it, being used as a tool of the perpetrator, and experiencing the aftermath of violence. For example, a perpetrator hitting or threatening a child while in his or her mother’s arms, taking the child hostage to force the mother’s return to the home, using a child as a physical weapon against the victim, forcing the child to watch assaults against the mother or to participate in the abuse, and using the child as a spy or interrogating him or her about the mother’s activities (pg. 4). As a result of the high prevalence of domestic violence and the increased likelihood that children will be exposed toShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence As A Victim Of Domestic Abuse1686 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Although we lost Ellen Pence, a woman who changed how domestic violence is addressed, in 2012, there are many lives that are being saved to this day because of her work. Ellen Pence found her calling in 1977 when she began working for the Minneapolis Housing Authority that helped individuals relocate with housing complications (StarTribune, 2010). It was then that she immersed herself through domestic violence cases and set the standard for addressing these cases. Ellen Pence isRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On The Victim755 Words   |  4 Pageshealth organization) Out of each emergency room visit for injuries, 25-30% was there for domestic-violence related problems. (Hansen,2014) Domestic violence is a serious issue that has been a top priority for mental health professionals for some time now. Exposure to domestic violence can have long-term mental health effects on the victim. Various types of groups are being used in treating survivors of domestic violence that include support groups, time-limited groups, and long-term groups. This groupRead MoreBeing A Victim Of Domestic Violence1596 Words   |  7 Pagesweight, you name it has the possibility of being a victim of domestic violence. However, there are certain risk factors that increases the likelihood of becoming a victim. In bad neighborhoods, they may feel socially ostracized if there is tension in the area and a lack of community. This can also be a consequence of victimization because the offender may separate himself and the victim from all contact from family, friends, etc. When the victim needs love and support, they will not know where toRead MoreChild Victims of Domestic Violence1341 Words   |  6 PagesЕssay Child victims of domestic violence Family today are unfortunately less as a fundamental unit of a healthy society. Almost all countries in the world are faced with the inability to determine the number of victims of kriminalitetot, and especially when such women. According to UN studies, women are the most frequent victims of sexual violence (50%) attacks of personality (10%) and other attacks on property (10%). For nasilonichkiot kriminalitet family largely lacksRead MoreDomestic Violence Victims And The Ways2356 Words   |  10 PagesAmong some institutions, there is a tendency to view domestic violence victims as living a â€Å"risky life† (Johnson 2014). People who are domestic violence victims experience discrimination, extreme hardships, and poverty; however, victims still attempt to seek help and separation from domestic abuse by using law enforcement and programs offered to shelter domestic violence victims from harm (Currul-Dykeman 2014). Research suggests domestic violence is the primary cause of ho melessness because of theRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Victims And Varies1700 Words   |  7 PagesDefinition, strengths and limitations, and occurrence Domestic violence as a form of trauma can have an impact on victims and varies in the form in which it occurs. Domestic violence can occur directly to an individual or family or indirectly as exposure to domestic violence. The Department of Justice defines domestic violence as â€Å"a pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner†. According to CrossRead MoreWhat Causes Victims Of Domestic Violence1257 Words   |  6 PagesWhat causes victims of domestic violence to stay? Every year in the United States, One in four women are victims of the domestic violence; however, this is only based on what has been reported to the department of justice (Stahly 2008). While men are also victims of domestic violence, women are more often the victims. Moreover, 90% of domestic violence is male initiated. In severe cases domestic violence ends with victims being murdered. More specifically, domestic violence resulted in 2,340 deathsRead MoreThe Response Of Male Victims Of Domestic Violence2311 Words   |  10 PagesThe Response of Male Victims of Domestic Violence Kevin Chen 500565266 CRM 202 Section 011 For the Annotated Bibliography assignment, the topic that will be the centre of focus is the Response of Male Victims of Domestic Violence. While there have been many research papers written on female victims of domestic violence, this assignment will be focusing on the reverse of how male victims respond to domestic violence and the various aspects, whether they are social, personal, or cultural, to thoseRead MoreThe Essential Guide For Victims Of Domestic Violence5422 Words   |  22 PagesGuide for Victims of Domestic Violence Why Did We Write This Guide? In the United States, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by a domestic partner. One-third of all women and one-quarter of all men have been the victims of physical violence at the hands of a partner. These statistics do not take into account other forms of abuse, such as mental and emotional abuse that both men and women suffer on a daily basis from those who profess to love them. In addition, domestic violence is oneRead MoreHelping Victims From Domestic Violence1306 Words   |  6 Pagesorganization that are trying to help victims from domestic violence. For example, â€Å"Women’s Law Organization† is one of the organization that was created by Elizabeth Martin a native of North Carolina, who found her way into domestic violence advocacy when she worked at a shelter in Washington State after completing her undergraduate degree. She had help from her team to put this organization on point. Her interest for this organization was to help survivor of domes tic violence to overcome the tragedy they

Managing and Developing Innovation Customer Relationship System Softw

Question: Discuss about theManaging and Developing Innovationfor Customer Relationship System Software. Answer: Introduction The major aim of this study is to identify the features and specifications of the Nutshell Customer Relationship System Software. Therefore, the concept behind the implementation of this software as well as its value proposition is also analyzed in this study. In addition, the process of sustaining the competitive advantage of Nutshell and its competitive advantage as well is portrayed in this study. The risks associated with the current plan are focused in this study and the resolution techniques are also stated. Furthermore, the improvised softwares skills as well as the team needed for meeting the skills are also discussed in this study. Concept Description The Customer RelationshipManagement can easily cover a huge number of applications and software as well in termsof helping thebusinessfor maintaining the customer support data,accessing business information, customer dataand customerinteraction, sales automation, managing the vendor, employee and the partner relations. The CRM software is mostly used to manage the customer relationship in business (Siu, 2016, p.12). This particular CRM software is the provider of mobile and the web CRM software. Therefore, the concept of developing the Nutshell Customer Relationship Management software is to be useful for the business to meet all CRM objectives. It is mainly composed of the web and the mobile applications for the iOS and Android platforms. In todays date, CRM software is very highly scalable and customized by permitting the business to view the business scopes with the predictive analysis in terms of gaining the actionable insights of the customer with the back-end analytical engine, the prior communication with the business, streamlining the operations depending on the known customer history as well as personalizing the customer service. The reason of the failure of most of the CRM software is that it doesnt deliver the enough value to motivate the sales teams to utilize them. However, Nutshell is the different CRM software. It is much more dedicated in order to help the small and medium businesses for becoming more successful. According to the value proposition context of Nutshell, this CRM software is dedicated for helping the sales team of a company to win more contracts by address the consequences from those numerous Customer Relationship Management software usually suffer (Wang Feng, 2012, p.20). Nutshell is also dedicated to provide both of the user-friendliness and affordability. Concept Analysis Competitive Advantage The most important competitive advantage of the Nutshell CRM software lies in the advantages of the affordability and the user-friendliness features possessed by this CRM software. Many small and medium enterprises have the preference to utilize the Nutshell CRM software as its cost effectiveness as well as it is easy to utilize (Brennan et al., 2014, p.21). It can also help the small and medium organizations to better manage their sales processes to win more deals very quickly. Process to Sustain Competitive advantage The Nutshell Customer Relationship Management software should be improvised by adding some specifications or features with its application in the domain of managing customer relationship. Thus, large organizations would intend also for installing Nutshell in their operations (Nguyen Mutum, 2012, p.401). It would become also a very significant point through which the competitive advantage of the Nutshell Customer Relationship Management software can be sustained as it would increase the large organizations participation in using this particular software. Assumptions in Formulating the Idea Some following assumptions are there those could be taken into consideration during the formulation of this particular concept of sustaining the competitive advantage for the Nutshell customer Relationship Management software. Implementing more improvements over the qualities of product Enhancing the attractiveness to the large organizations as well Giving the exclusive scope of access to the resources. Weakness and the Risk and Way of Solving the Risks The important weakness associated with the Nutshell software is that this software has not become attractive for the large enterprises (Kumar Reinartz, 2012, p.4). Therefore, it can be the obstacle on the way to achieve the competitive advantage for the Nutshell CRM software becoming popular in this industry. This risk can be addressed by improving the software by adding few extra feature to Nutshell so that it can seek attention from the large enterprises as well. Skills and Team Required The developer of the Nutshell CRM software should have some important and essential skills on Customer Relationship Management interms of makingmore improvisations and for adding more features to this particular software. The proper training on the developing process of this CRM software is significant to the management and the design of the CRM system. The successful CRM software development requires the software plus skills. Thus, the developer of this software should have the skill to implement the efficient and the user friendly CRM software with the help of which the companies can easily meet the objectives of the Customer Relationship Management (Nutshell, 2016). The proper and effective data migration is also very important skill that is necessary to be included in the improvised and new Nutshell CRM software. Apart from that, this particular software should be able to test properly before obtaining data migration. A dedicated IT team should be formed in terms of implement the skills of the improved version of this software. Apart from that, the IT team members be properly trained so that they can participate easily in order to develop this software. The project manager should meet all his responsibilities as well as roles in terms of guiding the whole team which is working for implementing this CRM software. Conclusion It can be stated easily after discussing the entire study that the Nutshell software has a good popularity among the medium as well as small organizations because it is user friendly as well as affordable software. Nevertheless, it is also essential for the Nutshell software for adopting some exclusive features that would be very useful as well as helpful for the large enterprises for maintaining their huge customer relationship data. It would enhance simply their chances to achieve competitive advantage. References Brennan, J.J., Siebert, W.H., Cerrone, M.C. Williams, J.R., Buzztable, Inc., 2014.System for customer relationship management using wireless communication.U.S. Patent 8,897,810. Kumar, V. Reinartz, W., 2012.Customer relationship management: Concept, strategy, and tools. Springer Science Business Media. Nguyen, B. Mutum, D.S., 2012. A review of customer relationship management: successes, advances, pitfalls and futures.Business Process Management Journal,18(3), pp.400-419. Nutshell., 2016.Nutshell CRM Tour and Benefits. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Nov. 2016]. Siu, N.Y.M., 2016. Customer Relationship Management and Recent Developments. Wang, Y. Feng, H., 2012. Customer relationship management capabilities: Measurement, antecedents and consequences.Management Decision,50(1), pp.115-129.

Factors and Customers Satisfaction of Budget Hotel Customers in Penang

Question: Discuss the factors and customers satisfaction of budget hotel customers in penang, malaysia. Answer: Introduction The state of Penang is situated on the north-west coastline of Malaysia and is home to major civilizations of the region that has attracted tourists from across the globe for decades. The natural beauty and culture of the place have attracted tourists for centuries and is still one of the most favoured holiday destinations of the tourists. Apart from culture and natural beauty, mouth-watering food and architecture of the place has always astonished people. The place, its people and businesses have perfectly blended themselves into the modern culture keeping intact its heritage and traditions. Technological advancements have been used and implemented by the tourism industry in such a manner that has brought about a boom in the industry with more and more tourists visiting the place every year. The tourism industry of Penang has perfectly aligned itself with the objectives of the country to promote and establish Malaysia as the most favoured tourism destination of Asia (Jaafar Sukarno , 2011). The results are evident from the statistics provided by the government in their portal Tourism Malaysia. According to the overall statistics published by the government, Malaysia had 25.7 million arrivals in the year 2015 with a total receipt of 69.1 billion MYR from tourism (Samah et al., 2015). These significant figures have increased over the year and show a rising trend. Several factors have resulted in the increase of visitors to the country. Apart from the natural beauty of the place, certain places of Penang have historical importance. Recently, George Town was declared to be a heritage site by the UNESCO and visitors have stated to pour in. On this backdrop, it can be said that there is a close link between tourism and the hospitality industry. Tourism is cannot be complete without people having a place to stay while they visit a place. In essence, the growth and sustainability of the tourism industry is largely dependent on the kind of hotels that are available in the place of tourism. As the inflow of visitors increased, a need was felt to accommodate them in a much efficient manner. This resulted in an increase in the number of hotels in Penang. The increase was in both luxury hotels such as the Hard Rock Hotel, Tune Hotel, Cititeland many more as well as in budget hotels such as Rasa Motel Penang, Value Inn and others. With an increase in the nature of demand of the customers, a shift has occurred from luxury hotels to budget hotels. In the last few years, it has been seen that there is a rise in demand for mid-market budget hotels by the customers and as a result, competition has increased in this segment of the hotel industry of Penang. These budget hotels have proved themselves to be a key contributor to the hotel industry in Penang over the years (Mola Jusoh, 2011). By providing quality services and a wide customer base, these hotels have opened up new avenues for the hotel industry of the region. These hotels have been successful in creating customer loyalty by providing the required services to its customers in an effective manner. The nature and extent of the services rendered to the tourists by the hotel staffs influence the quantum of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is one of the most important objectives of an organisation. The manner in which customer relationship is built determines how much a customer is satisfied with the services rendered by the hotel. Research Background In light of globalisation of the world economy, the service industry is actively playing a pivotal role in the growth and development of the entire region. Tourism has become an important trade category that is fetching a substantial amount of revenue and is contributing towards the overall GDP of the country (Goh, 2015). The growth of the tourism industry is dependent on the state of the hotel industry. Penang is no exception. With the natural and historic beauty of the place, it has become one of the most favourable tourist attractions in south Asia. With this increase in the tourist inflow, a change has taken place in the hotel and hospitality industry. People are now favouring budget hotels over luxurious and expensive ones. With the quality of services rendered in these hotels being of superior quality, the industry is able to build a loyal customer base for itself. Much research has been carried on the status of the hotel industry and on customer satisfaction in Penang (Goh, 20 15). However, not much has been done with respect to this niche class of budget hotels that now play a pivotal role in the development and growth of the entire industry. Building of customer satisfaction is a key factor of success. Customer retention by building customer loyalty has always been an important objective of every business organisation. On this backdrop, the research intends to bring out the factors and the element of customer satisfaction with respect to budget hotels in the area of Penang. Significance of the Research SMBH also known as Small and Medium Budget Hotel operators play a vital role to aid the tourism industry success. As mentioned earlier, the nature and quality of services rendered has become an important area of focus for budget hotel owners. Thus, it is important that service lenders understand perceptions and customer expectations as well as the factors that influence their satisfaction and provide services accordingly (Abdu Bakori, Samdin Hassan, 2012). The reason for this research was to study the perception of customer about the marketing mix 7P's, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction of budget hotels. Even though customers are not expected to understand these technical terms to their fullest extent, their viewpoints are very important to formulate industry standards. In order to have a proper understanding of customer taste, preferences and demand, organisations are required to undertake extensive research work. While conducting the research, it is imperative to segment the targeted customer into different classes based on specific characteristics that are unique. A significant classification is in the form of national and international visitors (Mun, 2016). This classification will help the hotels to formulate strategies differently for each group and to maximise revenue. The primary significance of this study is to focus on the marketing activities of such budget hotels that ultimately lead to their success in gaining customer loyalty and satisfaction. It is the responsibility of the marketing manager to devise proper strategies to attract more and more customers for the hotel. As the importance of these budget hotels has increased significantly, the government shall take effective steps to reward these hotels by re-evaluating their criteria for awarding stars to these hotels depending upon the nature and quality of services rendered by them (Keshavarz Ali, 2015). Therefore, the significance of the study lies on finding out the elements that influence satisfaction of customers who avail services of budget hotels. Problem Statement The hospitality industry is similar to other industries and is characterized by a high level of competition among the industry participants. Each budget hotel has to counter a twofold competition with big and luxurious hotels and with other budget hotels. In order to achieve success, these budget hotels have to price their services in the most competitive manner so that customers are attracted. This is a significant factor as every customer looks for an affordable price in the first place (Poku, Zakari Soali, 2013). It is very transparent that the hotel market is highly competitive, just like any other organization that markets a product in a competitive market, competing for the income of consumer disposable, it should be aware of the quality problems. This is important, especially in the situation of the hotel in which there is reduced clear price competition, but centres more on problems of image, service, facilities and the provision quality. Hotels have therefore, enhanced the ir service quality in order to stay ambitious. Business activities between enterprises become more frequent with the constant development of the Malaysian economy. Moreover, the Malaysian tourist market too becomes more and more energetic. A new hotel - state budget catering to the demands of new customer, it has been supposed to have good potential development, which turns to be one of the high spots of investment. Because of the high competition between budget hotels and the reason to get sustainable competitive benefit a tough battle for customer resource is opened. The central point of this competition falls mainly on the "customers", the budget hotel that has satisfied customers and finally won the trust of customers, it has had the beneficial tool to win this smokeless war (Abdullah, 2015). As the situation becomes tough, hotel owners are trying to gain customer confidence and customer loyalty by providing effective services to them. This in turn increases customer satisfaction. Therefore, it has become essential that hotel owners focus their attention to effective marketing activities. Satisfaction towards goods and integrated service marketing mingle is expected to influence the customer's decision of a patient for enabling the same service in time to come. Also, customer satisfaction is called the business competition success which is the particular's perception of the performance of the relation service to expectations. In the hotel industry, customer bond is also highly essential. It is often shaped by practical experience of the customer during the stay in the hotel. References Abdu Bakori, K., Samdin, Z., Hassan, H. (2012). Hotels involvement in sustainable tourism practices in Klang Valley, Malaysia.International Journal of Economics and Management,6(1), 21-34. Ali, F., Amin, M. (2014). The influence of physical environment on emotions, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions in Chinese resort hotel industry.Journal for Global Business Advancement,7(3), 249-266. Alvesson, M. Sandberg, J. (2012).Constructing research questions. Amin, M., Yahya, Z., Ismayatim, W.F.A., Nasharuddin, S.Z. and Kassim, E., 2013. Service quality dimension and customer satisfaction: An empirical study in the Malaysian hotel industry.Services Marketing Quarterly,34(2), pp.115-125. Anderson, E. W., Sullivan, M. W. (2013). The antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction for firms.Marketing science,12(2), 125-143.